The best herbicides for sunflower after germination
 Herbicides for sunflower

Sunflower is a valuable agricultural crop for cooking oil on an industrial scale. Silage is prepared from this culture, it goes to cattle feed. Lack of attention to the issue of crop protection from weeds significantly reduces crop yield, therefore, after germination, it is necessary to use herbicides

The essence of the use of herbicides after the emergence of sunflower seedlings

A feature of the cultivation of sunflower is that in the initial stage they grow slower than grass sprouts. Most often this happens when growing hybrids of highly productive, short-growing varieties.

The average degree of contamination of arable land is almost 3-4 billion weed seeds per 1 ha.

Weeds compete with cultivated plants, taking away moisture and nutrients from them. The growth rate of weed is significantly ahead of the growth rate of sunflowers with prolonged low temperatures.

The clogging of the fields reduces the productivity of the crop during the growing season, provokes the occurrence of fungal diseases and infections.

 As a rule, weed grows faster than sunflower
As a rule, weed grows faster than sunflower

It is especially important that the landing first 1.5 months, before the start of mass growth of seedlings, were free from weed sprouts. When the 5th leaf is formed on the sunflower and the rows begin to close, most of the weeds will become safe.

For the destruction of weeds were invented special chemicals - herbicides.

Herbicide Types

With the modern cultivation of sunflowers, only registered, authorized preparations are used that are intended to eliminate dicotyledonous and cereal weeds. They are made before sowing or after germination.

Chemicals are classified as follows.


The drug is used in the period between sowing and seedling. Germination of sunflower seeds occurs in 1.5-2 weeks after sowing. At the beginning of growth, the level of light exposure, moisture, and nutritional value of the soil is important, at which time the level of crop yield is laid. Early weed control will thankfully affect the outcome.

 Pre-emergence herbicides are introduced in the period between sowing and seedlings
Pre-emergence herbicides are introduced in the period between sowing and seedlings

The basic agrotechnical rule for the cultivation of sunflower is the timely use of soil resources.

Pre-emergence herbicide is applied to the soil layer harrowing or produced spraying during sowing or before it. The drug inhibits the growth of weeds, destroying cellular metabolism.

You can call the proven, widely used tools:

  • Harnes. Means of contact exposure. Destroys annual weeds. It is brought to shoots. Consumption 3l per 1 ha;
  • Pioneer 900. The working component is acethlor. Before the appearance of sprouts, the solution is treated with soil. It quickly decomposes, succeeding in producing a positive result in the destruction of the shepherd's bag, stars, chicken millet, field thorns, chamomiles;
  • Dual gold, Gezagard 50, Prometrin. Means Nitran and Treflan destroy cereal and dicotyledonous weeds, but do not affect the mustard field, drab, ambrosia. These drugs work well in combination with Hezagard 50. Sealing of herbicides into the ground is carried out by cultivators.
It should be noted that the disadvantage of this type of herbicide is the dependence of the effectiveness of the agent on the degree of soil moisture. On dry soil, their effect is worse.


Post-emergence herbicides are also called safety harnesses. Their destructive action consists in blocking the synthesis of amino acids in weeds.

Drugs destroy cereal, dicotyledonous weeds: flatfish, chicken millet, millet, sorghum, halinsogu small-flowered, wild radish, dope, purslane, broomrape.

According to the form of release, the agent can be a concentrated emulsion or in the form of water-soluble granules.

Herbicide is sprayed on sunflower crops in the period when weed shoots reached a height 10- 12 cm, have 3-4 leaves. The tool works selectively, eliminating weeds, preventing its re-growth.

Proven means are considered Beckard 125 EC, Fyuzilad Super, Poast, Furore Super.

 Fyuzilad Forte
Fyuzilad Forte

Components of drugs

The range of chemicals produced by the chemical industry for the treatment of sunflower during the growing season is very wide.

They are united by the active components that are part in different variations and proportions:

  • Hizalofop-P-etil. It acts selectively on weeds. The full effect gives in 7-12 days. It is combined with drugs for the destruction of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds. He himself effectively fights with monocotyledons.
  • Tribenuron methyl. It acts selectively, especially effectively copes with broadleaf grass, poppy seeds, radishes and many different weeds. It is easily washed off during a rain, watering. Does not conflict with fungicides, insecticides. Application is as post-emergence drug.
  • Metolachlor. It acts selectively, low toxicity. Pre-emergence and post-emergence drug against monocotyledonous weeds, chamomile, purslane, galensog.
  • Quisalofop-P-Tefuril. The drug is selective for dealing with annual, perennial weeds, such as wheatgrass, sorghum.
  • Imamatapir. Present in herbicides of systemic type. Selective exposure.Good and quickly cope with broomrape.
  • Terbutilazine. Low toxicity to insect pollinators. Works as a contact soil herbicide. Fights against ambrosia.

Golden rules of agricultural engineering

It is clear that an important criterion for obtaining a high yield of sunflowers - integrated weed control.

 The main criterion for a rich harvest is the complex control of weeds.
The main criterion for a rich harvest is the complex control of weeds.

For competent work with herbicides, experts recommend to adhere to the following rules:

  1. To study the characteristics of acreage, types of weeds. Soil preparations, as a rule, are used on fields with one-year weed grass.
  2. To determine soil type. The concentration and duration of the drug depends on:
    • granulometric composition, clay, sludge require a high content of active substances;
    • pH of the soil, the lower it is, the higher the rate of decomposition of substances;
    • moisture and organic levels, fertile soils require a greater amount of active ingredients;
    • signs of the drug itself, the degree of solubility, the decay period.
  3. Right prepare the area for sowing. It should contain the minimum amount of plant residues for effective work with soil herbicides.
  4. View weather forecast. Long-term experience of specialists has shown that the decisive factor in the effectiveness of a soil herbicide is the binding of the drug to soil moisture or precipitation in a period of not more than 20 hours from the date of application.
  5. Keep an eye on quality of application, the accuracy of compliance with the instructions. The air temperature should ideally be from +10 to 25 degrees, the wind speed is less than 4 m per second. The equipment must be in order, the sprayer adjusted.
The main result of the use of herbicides is the high productivity of sunflower.

Simple methods of mechanical tillage (harrowing, inter-row loosening) are not able to provide capital protection of crops from weeds. An alternative to herbicidal preparations has not yet been invented; they help preserve and obtain a consistently high yield of sunflowers.