Characteristics and description of cabbage varieties Stone head
 Cabbage Stone Head

Cabbage for use as a product was cultivated since ancient times. This vegetable has many varieties. Early varieties are used in salads, but are not suitable for storage, medium ones are suitable for canning, later ones do not spoil in winter. Many summer residents and farmers prefer to plant such a type of this crop as the Stone Head, and we will describe the characteristics and description of this variety in this article.

Characteristics and description of cabbage Stone head

Late A variety of white cabbage, which they love to grow in vegetable gardens, was planted in neighboring Poland two decades ago. The weight of the rounded dense heads of the Stone Head approaches 6 kilograms, because there is no interlayer between the leaves.

The variety of culture is perfect for salads, vegetable salt, kvass, pickled. Since the cabbage does not crack, does not lose its taste and vitamins, you can not worry about its safety until the end of April.

On light green leaves, which are as if covered with wax, thin veins are visible. The heading, in which there is a lot of sugar, has a white color.

 The average weight of the heads of Stone Head is about 6 kg
The average weight of the heads of Stone Head is about 6 kg
The stone head is not only beautifully stored, but also rewards a good harvest.

With favorable weather and proper care, a few square heads are cut from a plot of square meters in area, the total weight of which exceeds 10 kilograms.

This late cultivar in the garden can be grown from seed, but it is better to first harvest the seedlings, which are sent to the garden after 50 days, and after 125 the heads of cabbage ripen. In the first method, the harvest is harvested a month earlier.

Cabbage seedlings should fall into the open soil in the last days of spring or early summerwhen the soil warms up up to 10 degrees. Sowing for seedlings is made until April 10. In the ground, where it is grown, put superphosphate and wood ash. Each fertilizer is enough for one spoon for a container in which to pour a bucket of earth.

You need to make sure that the seedlings do not outgrow, otherwise they will stretch out and will take a long time to take root in the garden. Stone head tolerates frost to minus 5. If it gets colder, they cover it. Heads are tied when air is heated up to 20 degrees.

The advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Many farmers and gardeners prefer this variety of cabbage due to the fact that it is prepared from vitamin salads, put a vegetable in borscht and soups, salt and marinate. They make second courses from the Stone Head, they make good stuffed cabbage leaves.

Useful substances and taste when stored properly until mid spring.

 From the leaves of the variety are well obtained cabbage rolls
From the leaves of the variety are well obtained cabbage rolls

The advantage of the variety is:

  • resistance to frost and drought;
  • no cracking;
  • the possibility of delivery over long distances;
  • excellent yield.
The stone head is resistant to fusarium and rot, rarely gets sick.It has a lot of sugar and other useful components.

Stored superbly. It is easier to care for this species than for other varieties. The only disadvantage of the Stone Head can be called harsh leaves, because of what it lacks juiciness.

Growing conditions

Slightly flat or flat-faced cabbos cut at the end of September or in the first days of October. In Moldova and Ukraine, many farmers sow stone heads directly into open soil. However, if the sprouts do not appear, it is useless to wait from the other crops.

 Cabbage Seeds Stone Head
Cabbage Seeds Stone Head

Most often, ready seedlings are sent to the ground. Two grams of seeds are placed on a square meter of soil, sprinkled so that the depth was less than 20 mm. Top covered with foil. Do it right in the beginning of April.

In the ground culture is planted every 70 cm late May or early June. By this time, five leaflets appear on the seedlings, after the appearance of the second a hole is dug out.

Before sending the cabbage to the garden, it is carried out into the air, where it is kept for 2 hours, so that the seedlings are hardened. In the greenhouse or greenhouse sprouts need to feed, constantly loosen the soil.

When the first leaflets break through, pour a solution with a mixture of fertilizers in the form potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate. 10 grams of the first substance are put on a bucket of water, 20 - of the second, 40 - of the third. After 10 days, increasing the rate of each component 2 times, the seedlings are fed again.

In the most moist culture needs when seedlings are placed in the ground. It is better to do it when it is cloudy and warm. In the wells to a depth of 18 centimeters poured humus, ash. It is advisable to add the crushed egg shell. It does not tolerate pests.

Stone head feels great on loam. It is desirable to set aside for such a culture a site in a valley where the sun shines all day. In the shade, cabbages on cabbage are not tied up or will be loose. The soil should have moderate acidity.

 Seedlings are planted in the ground in early June
Seedlings are planted in the ground in early June
Despite the fact that the plant loves moisture, its roots will rot if it stays in water for at least a day, which happens after heavy rains in places where it is close to the surface.

Care culture

To enjoy a beautiful harvest, you need not to ignore the agrotechnical requirements.It is advisable to grow cabbage in beds where previously harvested legumes, potatoes, eggplants, and onions. It grows well after zucchini, pumpkins, if they fertilize the land, sowing rye or wheat for the winter. However, when tomatoes and cucumbers ripen next to them, then there will not be enough nutrients for cabbage.

This plant variety not affected by disease. It is not difficult to protect the culture from pests by sowing marigolds, bitter wormwood and mint. Insects do not tolerate the pungent odor coming from these plants.

The biggest mistake of some summer residents is that for cabbage bushes, they do not find a sunny place, but are planted in partial shade.

Once every few years looking for plants new plot. Young bushes with a strong sun cover with pine branches.

Watered Stone Head in the morning or eveningby installing sprinklers or by pumping water into trenches dug between rows. At this time there is no strong heat, the sun does not bake.

An adult plant normally transfers moisture under the root, two weeks before maturation, watering is stopped.

Feed the cabbage 14 days after disembarking the bed, a mixture of nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers.You can replace chemicals with chicken droppings at the rate of 500 grams per bucket of water.

In the summer, organic is taken as a subcortex. manure. Accelerates the growth of bushes brewer's yeast solution.

Cleaning and storage

 The collection of stone heads produced in early October
The collection of stone heads produced in early October

Cut culture in early October picking up not rainy, but dry weather. Cabbage, the heads of which are designed for long-term storage, clean before frost.

It is best to leave heads weighing up to 4 kilograms for the winter, shortening the stalk, leaving a few leaves. Storage temperature should be less than 5 degrees. Small and too large kvasyat or marinate.

Stone head is used to prepare different dishes. Fresh, this variety of cabbage is used throughout the winter and spring. In the heads are well preserved trace elements, various vitamins. Folic acid improves the production of gastric juice. Juicy and sweet Stone head is used for dietary purposes.