Lovage and celery are the same or not
 Celery and lovage

Celery or lovage? Coming into the market is easy to make a mistake with their choice. Not everyone knows that celery and lovage are not the same thing, but different plants and their similarity is only conditional. Let's try to understand the truth and learn to recognize them at a glance.

What is a lovage?

Lovage is an edible, medicinal, perennial, herbaceous plant of the umbrella family.Since ancient times, known as a spicy culture, which has a pronounced taste and aroma.

Historical homeland - Iran. It has similarities with parsley and celery. The British called him "love parsley", while in Russia they call him "winter celery." The main destination: culinary and medicinal.

Botanical description:

  • thick, branched roots;
  • root depth about 0.5 m;
  • height 2m and more;
  • stem dense at the base, juicy;
  • leaves are large, pinnately dissected;
  • leaf color is dark green;
  • inflorescences are white, small;
  • spicy aroma;
  • taste is slightly hot;
  • pleasant aftertaste, bitter.
 What is a lovage?
Lovage sheet

Lovage plant is not only tasty, but also very useful. It consists of more than 200 substances. Among them are potassium, vitamins of a wide group of action, malic acid, mineral compounds and essential oils. In Russia, all parts of the plant were considered a means masculine boostand in Europe - a female aphrodisiac.

Use in cooking

Lyubistok is a gourmet spice. In fresh form, the most suitable young foliage. With age, it becomes tough and less tasty. Leaves can be prepared for the winter, dry or freeze.

Lovage goes well with seasonal vegetable salads, with hot first, meat and fish dishes.

Nutritionists recommend eating lovage as a fat burning component. It should be remembered that its bright taste can kill the taste of the main course.
 Use in cooking
Lovage dried for use in cooking

Medicinal properties

The rhizome and juice of all parts of the culture is famous for healing power. It is used in folk medicine for the treatment of:

  • dropsy;
  • getting rid of worms;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • nervous disorders and insomnia;
  • alcoholism.


For cosmetic purposes, extracts from parts of lovage are used. It is added to shampoo against hair loss and for hair growth. Juice helps to whiten the skin of the face. It is used in creams against freckles and to reduce pigmentation.

Baths with the addition of such an aromatic oil relieve inflammation of the skin, heal microcracks and cuts. Lotions and decoctions treat acne, pimples, purulent inflammation.

Lovage used in cosmetology

Growing up

Lovage grow in sunny areas, or in partial shade.Starting in May, you can feast on his young, juicy leaves. Vegetable demanding moisture, during drought foliage turns yellow. It is frost-resistant and does not demand shelter. Propagated by the seed method and the method of dividing the mother bush. It takes root in a new place painlessly and grows very quickly.


All parts of the culture can not be consumed by young children, pregnant women, as well as with a tendency to hemorrhoids and pyelonephritis. Doctors do not recommend to get involved in them with stomach diseases and intestinal problems.

Before flowering, lovage root accumulates toxic substances!

What is celery?

Celery is known to the world for many thousands of years, as a useful spice. In the wild, it grows in the regions of the Mediterranean Sea on wetlands and salt marshes. It is a spicy, edible, umbrella annual plant. There are three types: leaf, root and stalked.

Botanical description:

  • root system weakly branching, small;
  • plant height from 0.3 to 1 m;
  • the stem of the petiole is juicy, dense, and the leaf is thin and grassy;
  • leaves are not large pinnately cut type;
  • color is saturated green;
  • inflorescences are small, greenish;
  • the aroma is soft and spicy;
  • taste is pleasant, not spicy;
  • aftertaste without bitterness.

In terms of the amount of vitamins, it is among the top five healthy vegetables. It contains amino acids and carotene, essential oils, nicotinic acid, amino acids, thiamine and riboflavin, vitamins E, A, B and androsterone (male sex hormone).

Cooking Application

Cooks use all parts of the plant "from chords to roots". Leaves and roots go to vegetable salads, meat and fish dishes, for making soups and broths. They can be dried or frozen, while celery will not lose its positive qualities.

Petioles can be eaten fresh, added to salads, in the first and second courses. Roasted or roasted petioles - this is a delicious side dish, they are served with meat and fish dishes. Use healthy juice from petioles and use it in combination with tomato, cucumber and cabbage.

Celery Root is a separate story. It is baked like a turnip. Cook and fry like potatoes. Vegetable goes well with apples, grapefruit, chicken breast, cheeses and nuts.

Medicinal characteristics

Herring, as a drug, is not inferior to lovable. A beneficial effect on the digestive tract, improves appetite. Eating the juice of its leaves at night calms the nerves and guarantees good sleep. Nutritionists recommend eating it for weight loss.

It is proved that celery removes toxins.

In folk medicine, it is used as:

  • diuretic and laxative;
  • stimulator of digestive organs;
  • in the treatment and prevention of kidney disease;
  • to clean the blood;
  • with diabetes.
 Medicinal characteristics
Celery juice is very healthy.


It is difficult to overestimate the miraculous properties of celery, aimed at rejuvenation of female beauty. Its juice stops suitable for all skin types and for any age. It stops cell aging, relieves irritation, serves as a tonic, nourishing and cleansing agent.

Leading manufacturers of the world are preparing the best cream based on extracts from all parts of celery. Acne and pimples are treated with it. There are hundreds of popular recipes for masks and lotions using it.

Growing up

Celery is grown by the seed method, as an annual or 2-year-old plant.In the second year of life, he throws out blooming arrows, forms seeds and dies. The plant is not frost resistant and requires shelter for the winter, especially in regions with cold climates.


It is not recommended to use celery for women who are breastfeeding and pregnant.

With extreme caution it should be treated to those who have a stomach ulcer or kidney stones.

Celery and lovage, how does one differ from the other?

Let's sum up. Celery and lovage are different in many ways.

The similarity is as follows:

  1. Botanical umbrella family.
  2. Similar taste and aroma.
  3. Culinary destination.
  4. The use of cosmetology.
  5. Use in medicine.
  6. The presence of individual contraindications.
 Celery and lovage, how does one differ from the other?
Lovage and celery

The differences in vegetable crops are clearly shown in the table.

Options Celery Lovage
Origin The mediterranean Iran
Lifetime 2 years Perennial
Type of plant Stalked, root, deciduous Foliar
Frost resistant Not Yes
Suitable for food All parts of the plant Only leaves
Virulence Not Roots before flowering
Flavor characteristics Soft spice Sharp taste, bitter aftertaste
Plant height up to 1 meter Up to 2.5 meters
Growing up Seeds Seed or dividing a bush


The main similarity of these plants is of great benefit to the human body.

Modern man is useful to lead a correct and healthy lifestyle. That is why, to be always in good shape and prolong youth is recommended to grow one or both crops in the garden and eat them, preferably in a fresh form.