7 best fungicides for tomatoes in greenhouse and open field
 The best fungicides for tomatoes

A rainy summer can reveal a large number of diseases on plants. But you always want to get a good harvest of fully ripened fruits. Gardeners go to a specialty store to buy chemicals and fungicides to protect their crops, including tomatoes.

Often the choice is made in favor of funds recommended by the sellers. But not always with their help it turns out to achieve the desired results. Bushes continue to wither and die literally before our eyes. To avoid such troubles, you should be well versed in fungicides that can create reliable protection.

The use of fungicides for tomatoes in the greenhouse and open ground

These drugs are excellent help fight with bacterial diseases and fungi. They are constantly being improved by plant protection specialists, who develop new products, taking into account the immunity of garden crops.

In the process a large selection of fungicides is formed, from which it is rather difficult to choose the most effective compositions. To do this, it is recommended to know the types of drugs and features of their use.

Fungicidal preparations according to their origin and composition are divided into:

  • chemical inorganic (with the content of copper, sulfur, iron compounds, salts and other elements);
  • chemical organic (phthalimides, carbamates, morpholines, triazoles, strobilurins);
  • biological plant formulations (from fungus, from bacteria, from plants).
 Tomato processing fungicide in the growing season
Tomato processing fungicide in the growing season

Have their own groups of drugs on objects of application:

  • for seed dressing and seed;
  • antiseptic formulations and antibiotics for substrates;
  • for processing of perennial plants in the period of rest;
  • Formulations in the growing season.

By purpose:

  • prophylactic agents;
  • immunizing;
  • therapeutic type, which is great help in the first three days with the disease.

All fungicidal agents are distributed. on the principle of impact:

  • contact - they cover all the bushes, acting as a kind of barrier;
  • systemic - through the covers enter the conductive systems of cultures, circulate inside with the juices.
In their appearance and level of exposure, fungicides are simple and combined. The second group is able to work together with other fungicidal agents, insecticides, fertilizers, retardants.
 Protective drugs can directly affect the individual elements of tomato
Protective drugs can directly affect the individual elements of tomato

These protective drugs affect pathogens in several ways:

  • destroy the respiratory centers;
  • perform sterilization of microorganisms, blocking nuclear fission;
  • stimulate cultures to produce antibiotics and phytoalexins;
  • create necrotic barriers that protect unaffected plant tissue;
  • neutralize toxins of bacteria and fungi;
  • destabilize cell membranes, inhibiting the production of ergosterol;
  • interrupt the synthesis of acidic compounds of the nucleic group;
  • upset energy metabolism.

How to apply

Seeds are processed in the summer or autumn season. after collecting and drying. They can be pollinated with dry powders, soaked in solutions or in suspensions, coated with a mixture, forming a thin film, dragon.

Plant saplings and their tubers are best treated in spring, just before planting.
 Soaking Tomato Seeds Before Planting
Soaking Tomato Seeds Before Planting

Perennial plants in the resting season is best process on “bare” trunks. This procedure is performed on autumn or spring days when there is no foliage on the plants and the buds have not yet been activated to grow.

In greenhouses, the soil composition needs to be processed in the fall when the harvest is done. With the help of fungicidal drugs is carried out disinfection of soil and organic residues. If you make fungicidal agents on the eve of the planting, it will slow down the growth, prolong the growing season.

Features of processing of vegetative cultures:

  • seedlings are protected and strengthened, if you use the chemical composition of the biological or immunizing group for contact and systemic effects;
  • the timing and number of procedures will depend on the properties of the preparation used, the growth phase of the plant, climatic conditions. Contact formulations create protection for ten to fifteen days (if there is no precipitation), systemic differ by a longer period lasting three weeks.
  • as soon as signs of disease are detected, extraordinary prophylactic treatment.
To avoid the formation of resistance to systemic formulations, it is recommended to alternate preparations.

For indoor plants, the treatment with fungicidal agents is carried out in order to improve their immunity in case of diseases or risks of infection. Replanting culture, solutions of biological fungicides or slightly toxic chemical compositions moisten the substrate.

The most effective drugs

Among the fungicides that can provide effective assistance in combating diseases include the following drugs.



Kvadris is a new systemic tool with a wide range of effects that can protect plants from many diseases.It belongs to a new class of means - strobilurinam.

The composition, barely hitting the foliage, suppresses painful pathogens. Its effect helps to stop the spread and development of infections in the garden beds. The drug is able to reliably protect cultures from powdery mildew, phytophtoras, false dew, spotting etc.;



Today it is used from phytophthora more often. Especially the tool is popular in the southern regions of the country. Fungal bacteria have not yet been able to acquire resistance to this agent.



Systemic and contact action of Ridomil will perfectly help from pathogens. late blight and Alternaria. Granules means represent convenient to use, they are not dusting. The composition is perfectly combined with many pesticides.



Biological agent intended to protect against diseases, stimulate seeds and plants during their growing season, improves the immune system cultures.



Contact tools that are recommended to be used before planting to protect the culture from rot. Excellent helps to preserve the harvest.



Drug system and contact action.It is realized in the form of a wetting powder composition of white color, has a rather weak odor of irritating effect.

Bordeaux mixture

 Bordeaux mixture
Bordeaux mixture

Means of contact action, tested over the years. Perfectly protects tomatoes from fungus. In addition, the composition effectively helps in the fight against the most common diseases.

As you can see, fungicidal preparations are really quite a lot. But only your personal experience in the cultivation of tomatoes in specifically taken conditions on fertile soil will reduce the burden of "medicinal" nature and get an excellent crop of tomatoes.