Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Alsou
 Alsou Tomato

When choosing a tomato variety, gardeners pay attention not only to the endurance and unpretentiousness of the variety, but also to its appearance and reviews of taste. Alsou variety will satisfy even the most demanding farmers.

Description and characteristics of tomato Alsou

Tomato Alsu was bred by Siberian breeders in 2008. Refers to varieties mid-early aging. Gestation period 92–105 days since landing.

According to the characteristic, it can be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground.

When growing in a greenhouse, the bush reaches a height of 130-185 centimeters, and on open beds 85-100 centimeters. Tomato bush with a weak stem, therefore, requires compulsory garter and burring.

Fruits, depending on growing conditions, can be heart-shaped, ribbed, or flat-rounded in shape with little ribbing. The weight of the fetus according to the description varies from 250 gr. up to 900 gr. The skin is hard but not rough.

 The weight of fruits of a grade fluctuates from 250 to 900 grams
The weight of fruits of a grade fluctuates from 250 to 900 grams

The pulp of the tomato is fleshy, juicy, has a watermelon-sweet taste. Color from pinkish crimson to bright red. Productivity from 4.5 to 7.5 kg. from one bush.

Advantages and disadvantages

This type of tomato has the following advantages:

  • a great sweet sugar taste;
  • good yield;
  • ability to ripen;
  • cultivation is universal (it grows equally well both in greenhouses and in open ground);
  • early aging;
  • excellent presentation;
  • good transportability;
  • storage time;
  • ease of care;
  • high disease resistance;
  • tolerates drought and cooling;

The disadvantages of Alsou are:

  • weak stems requiring pasynkovka and garters;
  • Do not use for canning in general form because of the large size of the fruit.
 The ability to ripen and high yield - the advantages of the variety
The ability to ripen and high yield - the advantages of the variety

Sowing seeds for seedlings

It is no secret that a good harvest depends on the quality of the grown seedlings.

To grow good seedlings you need to follow the rules of planting and care:

Seed preparation

Before landing it is necessary select quality seeds. You can do this by soaking the seeds for 10 minutes in a solution of salt. Seeds that float to the surface, discard, as they are not suitable for planting. Down on the bottom we wash and soak in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

Disinfected seeds soak in a growth stimulator. After that, wrap the seeds with a cloth and place in the refrigerator for 14 hours for hardening.

Taking the seeds out of the fridge, warm them up for 7 hours at 22 degrees. The saucer is covered with wet filter paper, we spread the seeds on it for germination. Make sure that in the process of germination the paper is always wet.

 Alsou tomato seeds
Alsou tomato seeds

Soil preparation

Soil recommended cook in the fall. After digging the beds, it is good to loosen the ground, break up lumps, mix in equal parts with humus or peat and sifted river sand.

In the winter leave the finished soil in the cold. At the end of February to bring the soil into the room, abundantly pour a strong solution of manganese and warm on the stove at a temperature of 90 degrees. Add 200 grams to the prepared soil. ash to normalize the level of acidity. Cool the soil to 15 degrees, pour into a container for planting and level well.

Sowing seeds

Sowing seeds must be done in the last days of February. In the prepared soil we make holes with a depth of 0.7 cm and spread the seeds at a distance of 2.5 cm from each other. Sprinkle with a thin layer of soil, moisten with a spray bottle and cover with polyethylene.

We take out the container in the dark room with temperature +24 degrees. After 5 days, when the first shoots appear, we remove the polyethylene and bring it into a well-lit room with a temperature of 14-15 degrees. Since tomatoes love good light, it is recommended to create additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

Watering should be moderate.


 Dive of Alsou seedlings is made when 2 leaves appear
Dive of Alsou seedlings is made when 2 leaves appear

When the seedlings appear 2 sheets they must be transplanted into separate containers. This should be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system that has not yet become stronger. It is recommended to replant seedlings with a lump of earth from the former place of growth.


When appearing on seedlings 3-4 sheets seedlings need to harden. A week before planting in open ground for the first two days we take out seedlings for 2-3 hours on the balcony. The following days we leave the seedlings on the balcony for the whole day. Two days before planting, the seedlings are left for the whole day.

Planting seedlings in open ground

When transplanting seedlings on the beds, you must be aware that tomatoes love well lit area. The soil on the plot should be light and fertile.

Before planting seedlings, to prevent diseases, the soil must be watered with a hot concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

Planting seedlings should not be thick. The width between the seedlings in the row should be not less than 50 cmand the aisle 70 cm. Do not make the holes deep; it is necessary that the seedlings are transplanted to the same depth as before the transplant.

 After transplanting, seedlings need to be watered and fertilized with ashes.
After transplanting, seedlings need to be watered and fertilized with ashes.

After planting seedlings need water from the watering can at the root and fertilize with ashes. Further watering should be carried out as the soil dries. After watering, the soil must be loosened so that a crust does not form on the surface, which prevents the penetration of oxygen to the roots.

It is necessary to form a bush two or three trunks. Since the bushes are tall it is necessary to tie them to stable supports. In the process of growth, seedlings are fertilized with mullein. At the time of flowering in the soil is better to apply fertilizers containing nitrogen. When forming fruits, tomatoes need fertilizing with fertilizers containing magnesium sulphate.

Diseases and pests

Alsou tomatoes are sufficiently resistant to various diseases, but sometimes they are exposed to such diseases as brown spot and late blight.

To prevent this disease, the bushes must be treated with preparations containing copper, and to prevent insect damage, the bushes are treated with insecticides.

Harvesting and application

Harvest begin in June. The fruits ripen gradually until August. Immature fruits can be picked, laid out in a box and left to ripen indoors.Apples can help speed up ripening. This fruit produces ethylene, which promotes the rapid ripening of tomato fruits.

 Harvest Alsou need to produce in June
Harvest Alsou need to produce in June

This variety can be used fresh for salads and snacks. This fruit is unusually tasty when baking. As well as the fruits used in the preparation of lecho, tomato juice, pasta, ketchup.

By choosing this variety for planting on your site, you will be rewarded with high yields and extremely tasty fruits. And simplicity in care will not require additional efforts from you