Characteristics and description of tomato varieties Altai masterpiece
 Tomato Altai masterpiece

Nowadays, the eyes run away from the diversity of seeds. Every gardener wants to buy a frost-resistant and high-yielding variety of tomatoes. Russian collectors managed to bring the variety, which according to the description and characteristics is suitable for cultivation in a harsh climate - this is an Altai masterpiece.

Description and characteristics of tomato Altai masterpiece

Indeterminate plant. The average standard of growth in a greenhouse is up to 2 meters. Sort mid-seasonnon-hybrid. From the appearance of seedlings to technical ripening - 100–120 days.

Altai masterpiece is not picky about care, the main requirements for the variety are garter, pasynkovanie and the formation of the bush. Grow a plant in one stem.

The variety is resistant to diseases and perfectly tolerates changes in air temperature.

Since tomatoes are tall, their recommend growing in a greenhouse, but due to its resistance to temperature changes, it can grow in open beds.

 The average weight of fruits of a grade - 400 grams
The average weight of fruits of a grade - 400 grams

The first fruits are formed over 10 leaf. Fruits ripen large, with a bright red color, flat-circular shape. Average weight is about 400 grams.

Breeding history and region of growth

The Siberian variety was bred for cultivation in a harsh climate. In the state register variety is listed in 2007. Altai masterpiece grows well in Siberia and in central Russia.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive traits:

  • Yield
  • Taste qualities
  • Prolonged fruiting
  • Good transportability
  • Fruits are not prone to cracking
  • Sort resistant to many diseases

Negative qualities:

  • Not suitable for conservation
  • Needs garter and pasynkovanii

Planting seeds

Altai masterpiece grown seedling way.
 Altai masterpiece tomato seeds
Altai masterpiece tomato seeds

For planting seeds, it is necessary to carry out pre-sowing treatment. She is in the selection and disinfection inoculum.

Prepared seeds are planted in a moist, nutritious soil, to a depth of 3 cm. For quick germination of seeds, you need to create a microbath. Germination will be better if the seed container is placed in a warm and bright place.

After the emergence of shoots, the film is removed, the container is rearranged to a more comfortable place for the plant and watered with warm, settled water.

In phase 2-3 of these sheets, tomatoes dive in separate pots. In order for the seedlings not to stretch, due to lack of light, you need to take care of additional lighting.

14 days before landing on a permanent place, a plant needs hardening. This procedure allows young seedlings to adapt better after transplantation.

Transplantation of seedlings in open ground

Altai masterpiece can be grown both in the open and in the open field.

 Tomatoes of this variety can be grown both in the greenhouse and in the open field
Tomatoes of this variety can be grown both in the greenhouse and in the open field

To obtain a large crop, when growing tomatoes in open field, you need to know 4 main rules:

  1. Tomatoes - heat-loving plant. Before disembarking, it is necessary to find and prepare a place. Plot must be sunny and protected from drafts.
  2. Soil preparation. For good growth, tomatoes are planted in light and nutritious soil. If the soil is loamy, sand is added to it.
  3. Watering spend twice a week, depending on weather conditions. After each irrigation, the soil around the bush is loosened.
  4. The first fertilizing with complex fertilizers is carried out before the formation of ovaries.

In the open ground, young seedlings are planted when the air temperature will steadily keep +15 degrees. At first, seedlings are covered with covering material. Landing scheme - 50x40 cm.

Growing conditions

Care for the Altai masterpiece is the same as for all tomatoes:

  • Watering
  • Loosening and removing weeds
  • Top dressing
  • Garter
  • Masking
 Watering is carried out exclusively with warm water.
Watering is carried out exclusively with warm water.
Watering is carried out with warm water, as cold water suspends the development of the root system.

Tomatoma is harmful as underfilling and overflow. With an excess of moisture, root decay may occur and the plant will die. With a deficiency, poor fruit formation occurs. Tomatoes are watered exclusively under the shrub, trying not to fall on the leaves and stem.

Loosening is carried out after each watering. It is necessary for air to reach the roots and prevent the occurrence of earth crust. Weed removal is carried out as they occur. Weeds carry with them a variety of diseases that lead to the death of a tomato bush.

Feeding tomatoes spend every 10 day mineral and organic fertilizers. Tomatoes can get sick due to oversaturation with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Since the plant is indeterminate, it must be tied up. For this fit: stakes (2-2.5 meters), tapestries, cages and caps.

Garter is needed:

  • To make it easier to care for the tomato bush: spraying and watering
  • To prevent stacking of fruits on the ground, protecting them from damage to tomato rot
 Removal of stepsons is a mandatory procedure for the Altai masterpiece
Removal of stepsons is a mandatory procedure for the Altai masterpiece

Timely removal of stepsons, helps to redirect all nutrients to the formation of fruits. This procedure is performed with the first garter.

Pasynki can not be removed at the very root, it is necessary to leave a stump in 1 cm. Pasynki should be removed without fail until the first inflorescence.

Features of fruiting

Altai masterpiece is a high-yielding variety. Fruiting occurs on the 120th day from the appearance of the first shoots.

With square meter, with proper care, you can collect up to 10 kg of fruits. When grown in a greenhouse, the yield increases by 2-3 kg. Productivity depends on compliance with the rules of care and the method of cultivation.

Gardeners tips

  1. When growing seedlings, picking is obligatory, as thick planting impedes the good development of the plant.
  2. Rassad needs 14 hour light
  3. To form a strong stem, a fan is placed next to the young seedlings to create an artificial wind.
  4. Planting in a permanent place is carried out in heated soil. The degree of warming of the earth is checked by the presence of leaves on the birch. If you bloom, then the earth is warm enough
  5. Planted tomatoes need to a depth of 1/3 of the stem
  6. Garden beds need to be mulched.Thanks to the mulch, the soil will be warm even on cold days.
  7. To ensure that tomatoes are large and healthy, the stepchildren and lower leaves are removed.
 Planting seedlings need to be carried out only in heated soil.
Planting seedlings need to be carried out only in heated soil.

Disease and Prevention

Variety is resistant to many diseases, but may be susceptible phytophtora and root rot. The Altai masterpiece does not suffer from the attack of insects.

  • Phytophthora. Fast growing fungal disease. Affects fruit, leaves and stem.
  • Root rot It occurs on a wet ground. Going on root neck rot, as a result, the plant dries and dies.

Prevention is to comply with:

  1. Crop rotation
  2. Watering with warm water
  3. Landing pattern
  4. Timely feeding
  5. Removal of damaged plants

If you follow all the rules of care for the Altai masterpiece, from the square. meter, you can collect up to 10 kg of tasty and large pink tomato.

The variety is consumed fresh, as well as used in the preparation of juice, adzhika and ketchup.