Description and characteristics of 3 types of tomato andromeda
 Tomato Andromeda

Andromeda is one of the productive varieties of tomatoes that can grow in all regions of Russia. Wherein has three types that differ in varietal characteristics. The description and characteristics of this variety can be found below.

2 Facts about Tomato Andromeda

Quite an interesting variety that you can try at least once in the garden. He was bred in 1998 by A.A. Mashtakov.

Characteristic variety

 Early ripe variety of tomato Andromeda
Early ripe variety of tomato Andromeda

This is a type of tomato with an early fruit ripening. Depending on the subspecies from 78 to 116 days from the first shoots. If the weather is not happy with the sun, the aging time is increased by one week. Indeterminate bushes with secondary education stepsons. The height of the bushes is 55-75 cm. in open ground, in a greenhouse grow to 100 cm

Description (inflorescences, fruits)

Shrubs semi-sprawling with green leaf plates of tomato type. Inflorescences formed on the bushes of a simple type. The first appears above the sixth leaf and each subsequent is formed through 2 leaf plates. In each hand can be tied an average of 6 fruits.


 Tomatoes Zotolay Andromeda have a thick stem and large round fruits
Tomatoes Zotolay Andromeda have a thick stem and large round fruits
Indicator Description
Tomato size Average.
Fruit Form Rounded with not big corrugation.
Yield 10 kg. from 1m2.
Weight 70-140 gr. 320 gr. - pink subspecies.
Colour Depends on the belonging to the subspecies - pink, red and yellow.
Taste Tastes 4.3 points out of 5.
Storage In good conditions up to 3 months.
The ripening time of the fruit depends on the amount of sunlight and the ambient temperature and begins in late August and early September.

Chemical composition:

  1. Protein - 0.6 gr.
  2. Fat - 0.2 gr.
  3. Dietary fiber - 0.8 gr.
  4. Water - 94 gr.
  5. Dry matter - 5.0%.
  6. Sugar - 3.0%.
The variety is zoned for the Central Black Soil Region, the North Caucasus, the Ivanovo Region, the Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod Regions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any variety, this one has its pros and cons.

Positive properties:

  • Good ones flavoring properties;
  • Early and friendly tomato ripening;
  • Cold resistance;
  • Harvest matures tassels.
 Andromeda tomatoes are suitable for cultivation on open soil and in the greenhouse
Andromeda tomatoes are suitable for cultivation on open soil and in the greenhouse

Negative properties:

  • Root system does not develop to a sufficient depth;
  • Is subject to late blight;
  • Requires constant dressing.
The quality and taste of the fruit outweighs all negative qualities.

Tomato Andromeda Reviews

Maria, 34 years old.Always among the different varieties of tomato planted 7 Andromeda bushes. He later comes into fruiting, but it lasts the longest.

Peter, 42 years old.I have a field planted with this sort of tomato because the crop ripens almost simultaneously and is well transported to retail outlets.

Elena Petrovna, 64 years old.I like this type of tomato for the taste of tomatoes that I use in canned and summer salads. Therefore, 5-8 bushes are always present in my garden.

The main criteria for the selection of tomatoes

As can be seen from the reviews of gardeners This variety of tomatoes is rich in the harvest of tasty fruits and fruits until late autumn. In this case, care for him is not difficult. These are the main criteria by which this tomato is chosen.


 Canned Tomatoes variety Andromeda
Canned Tomatoes variety Andromeda

Andromeda is widely used in cooking. They make wonderful ones from it:

  • Tomato puree;
  • Mousses;
  • Pizza;
  • Apply in preservation of fruits for the winter period.

In dietetics, tomato is used as it has a low calorie content. In his 100 gr contains just 20 kcal Therefore, nutritionists use it in their workings of various diets.


The variety has three subspecies.


 Andromeda Golden
Andromeda Golden

This species has a fruit ripening period of 109 days. The leafy plates are green, and the taste of the fruits is the sweetest among the Andromeda subspecies. Tomatoes of yellow shade reach weight in 350 gr. The yield of the subspecies Golden is 8 kg cm2.


 Andromeda Pink
Andromeda Pink

It has silver-colored leaf plates and pink fruits. Tomato ripening period is minimal among this variety and is 82 days. Fruit weight up to 125 gr. The yield is 10.5 kg. cm2.

Andromeda F1

 Andromeda F1
Andromeda F1

The species has green foliage and red fruits aligned in shape, the volume of which allows their use in the complete preservation of fruits for the winter. Matures for 105 days since the first seedlings appeared. The yield is 9.5 kg. cm2.

Nuances of growing a variety

To get a big harvest at the exit,you must adhere to the recommended rules of care for tomatoes of this variety.

Sowing time

 Seeds for seedlings are usually sown at the end of March to a depth of 2-3 cm.
Seeds for seedlings are usually sown at the end of March to a depth of 2-3 cm.

Planted seeds in the first two weeks of March. Capacity must be taken with drainage holes for water drainage and used soil intended for planting seeds for seedlings.

You can buy it in the garden centers.

When the seedlings grow two true leaves spend diving sprouts in separate tanks and further care consists of watering and turning the seedlings with different sides to the sun.

Twist the seedlings will be easier if you put individual cups in one box or box.

When to plant seedlings

In the open ground, seedlings are planted only after a pre-hardening. The air temperature while the air temperature should not be less 17 degrees of heat.

 Andromeda tomato is planted in open ground in May
Andromeda tomato is planted in open ground in May
Planted seedlings only when the threat of recurrent frosts has passed.

Therefore, in the Krasnodar Territory tomato seedlings are planted on May holidays, and in the Moscow region in the first decade of June. These terms for planting in open ground in the greenhouse can be planted a couple of weeks earlier. On 1 m2 planted on 4 bush.

When harvesting

Average crop ripens on 100 day from the day of germination of seedlings.

Diseases and pests

 Tomato bush struck by blight
Tomato bush struck by blight

Mostly this variety is prone to late blight disease. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to tear off the lower leaf plates to increase air circulation and treat the tomato bushes before the start of flowering with chemical preparations.

Do not sprinkle tomatoes at the stage of ripening.


Fruit can be stored in a cool place where the temperature is kept within 2-7 degrees of heat. Then the varieties of Andromeda can lie for 3 months.

Tomato Andromeda is not so difficult to grow. The main thing is to carry out timely watering, loosening and fertilizing the beds with tomato bushes. In the greenhouse, the variety bears fruit when it is visibly cold outside, the main thing is that at the same time the greenhouse at night is closed less tightly.