A detailed description and characteristics of the variety of tomato big mommy
 Tomato grade Big Mummy

Tomato Big Mommy is a new ultra-early variety of tomatoes created by Russian breeders, which many gardeners have already managed to fall in love with. These tomatoes are easy to care for, Therefore, even beginners can cope with the cultivation of this variety. The description and characteristics of the tomato Big Mommy are given below.

Description and characteristic of a grade of a tomato Big mummy

Tomato Big Mommy is a determinant type of tomato. In other words, after the fifth brush appears, the bush ceases to grow and all its forces go to the formation and ripening of fruits. That is why plant height reaches just 65-70 cmthat does not prevent to collect from each bush up to 10 kg of tomatoes. The powerful root system of tomato disperses in width, so that the plant fully satisfies its needs for moisture and useful components.

 Determinantal variety of tomato Big Mommy
Determinantal variety of tomato Big Mommy


  • strong and powerful trunk;
  • optimal amount of leaves;
  • light green foliage without pubescence (like potatoes);
  • fruits are heart-shaped, slightly ribbed, with a small spout.

As the 7 leaves grow on the plant, the first flowering shoot sprouts. Then fruit shoots appear uniformly every 2 leaves. Fruit weight is 250-350 g, the first tomatoes ripen in 85 days after seed germination in seedling containers. The skin of the tomato of this variety is dense bright red.

Breeding history

Tomato Big Mommy still remains a novelty in our market. He was brought out by Russian breeders, trying to grow large and tasty tomatoes in order to use them for food and preparations.In the State Register of the Russian Federation this variety was registered in 2013, and it was offered to consumers only in 2015. But even in such a short time this The tomato has managed to establish itself as fruitful and well growing. The patent owner of the tomato is Gavrish LLC.

 The heart-shaped fruits of Big Mommy's tomatoes reach a weight of 350 grams each.
The heart-shaped fruits of Big Mommy's tomatoes reach a weight of 350 grams each.
This early ripening variety is recommended to be grown in greenhouse conditions for growing in greenhouses, where it is possible to collect up to 10 kg of tasty and sweet fruits from each bush.

The weight of tomatoes on the first branches reaches 350 g, on the lower shoots - up to 250 g. Each tomato keeps on a strong stalk, which does not allow the crop to fall. In the south, it is permissible to grow a tomato in open soil.

The advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Tomato Big Mommy has its merits, for which it is valued by many gardeners:

  • good taste;
  • high yield;
  • resistance to many diseases;
  • early maturity;
  • large fruits;
  • good transportability;
  • long shelf life.
 Unripe Tomatoes Big Mommy
Unripe Tomatoes Big Mommy

Tomatoes can be safely picked unripe, and in room conditions they ripen well, without losing any taste or form. A distinctive feature of the variety is a high amount of useful elements, Included in the fruit are calcium, magnesium, vitamins E, C, PP, B. That is why these tomatoes are good to eat fresh and in salads. But in the blanks, the fruits also do not leave the benefits and taste, so the Big Mummy variety is considered to be the ideal option for making winter twists.

Negative properties at a grade it is not revealed.

Planting seeds

Tip! To grow this variety of tomato, you first need to plant seeds for seedlings. It is recommended to do this in early-mid-March, 60-70 days before the transplant of bushes in greenhouse conditions. Before sowing the seeds should be processed in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate, which is a good method for the prevention of various diseases. After processing, the seeds need to germinate, for which they need to wrap the seeds in a damp cloth and leave in a warm room.

 Processing seeds of tomato in a solution of manganese before planting
Processing seeds of tomato in a solution of manganese before planting

As the seeds germinate, it is necessary to prepare the land for sowing. For these purposes, it is permissible to use universal soil for seedlings, which is sold in stores. Light substrate, endowed with nutrients, you need to slightly moisten, and then make it grooves 1.5 cm deep.In these grooves it is necessary to gently spread the seeds, which are then sprinkled with a layer of soil substrate.

After sowing, the tanks for seedlings are installed in a warm place (necessarily bright), where the temperature will be in the range + 23- + 25 ° С.

After a week, the first sprouts appear, after which the film is removed, and the capacity for seedlings is placed on the windowsill. After the plants appear on 3 Leaf is performed and picks, during which seedlings with the ground are transplanted into separate containers. Thanks to the picking, each bush receives a sufficient amount of air and nutrient land, which will allow it to grow better. After transplanting the bushes watered. It is recommended to do this in the morning when the sun is outside, whereas in cloudy weather the plants will be strongly drawn out. During irrigation, it is not necessary to flood the plants strongly, otherwise they will start to stretch quickly - this will lead to fragility of the seedlings. Severe dryness of the soil will adversely affect the condition of the bush and future fertility.

Growing tomatoes

To get a good and early crop of tomato Big Mommy needs provide plants with quality care. It consists in the timely transplanting of seedlings, watering, loosening, removing weeds, fertilizing and other activities, which you should learn more about.

Transplanting seedlings

 To increase the yield of tomato seedlings Big Mommy needs to be hardened before planting in the ground
To increase the yield of tomato seedlings Big Mommy needs to be hardened before planting in the ground

Planted in a greenhouse is necessary after steady positive temperatures are established at night - at the end or in the middle of May. When observing the landing, you must observe the following rules:

  1. For landing it is necessary choose plants tall 25 see with 6 or 9 real leaves. The stem of the seedling must be strong, and the root system is well developed, which will allow the bushes to settle down well.
  2. In every hole you need add a handful of humus, manure and ash, in the amount of 0.5 kg per 1 m².
  3. The scheme of planting seedlings - 4-5 PC. on 1 m², if extra bushes remain, then you should not thicken the planting, as this will cause plant diseases.
  4. Watered planted plants once a week, but abundant. If you do this more often, the roots will not be able to breathe properly and receive nutrients, so the plants will develop poorly.

Growing conditions

After the seedlings take root, carry out its feeding. Tomato responds well to organic (manure, litter), which can be fed 3 times during the growing season.

No less important are fertilizing plants with complex fertilizers. Nitrogen is required for a tomato at an early stage of development, even before the beginning of flowering, therefore it is necessary to feed the plants after they take root. Potassium and phosphorus can be added to the soil in the autumn.

 Big Mommy's tomatoes do not require pasynkovaya, but the timely removal of excess shoots increases the harvest
Big Mommy's tomatoes do not require pasynkovaya, but the timely removal of excess shoots increases the harvest

To provide the roots with access to fresh air, it is necessary to loosen the ground regularly and very carefully, trying not to damage the roots.

Since each branch grows to 6 large fruits, shoots must be tied up.

Despite the fact that the Big Mommy tomato does not require a pinching, it occasionally produces extra shoots, so this procedure can rarely be carried out, which will increase the yield. For this all side shoots below the first brush are cut off in such a way that no hemp remains in their place.Tomato bush Big mummy is formed in 2 stalks, and on the most powerful plants you can leave 3 trunks.

Features of fruiting

To get a good tomato crop, need to pay special attention to watering plants, since the germination of seeds. This variety is the most demanding of moisture during seed germination, as well as fruit loading. In other periods of the growing season, the tomato is not particularly picky about moisture. Even it will be better if tomatoes during growing seedlings, flowering and fruit set are lacking moisture, thereby restraining excessive growth of shoots and leaves.

 Properly watering tomatoes in open ground is very important for growth and fruit set.
Properly watering tomatoes in open ground is very important for growth and fruit set.

But it is also impossible to allow the soil to completely dry after planting, as the flowers can quickly crumble. Besides, lack of moisture threatens the following troubles:

  • plant growth slows down;
  • tomato bush grows weaker and thinner;
  • fertilizers are poorly absorbed.

As in dry soil, the concentration of fertilizers increases, which leads to burns of plants and fruits.

Diseases and their prevention

Tomato Big Mom is resistant to such fungal diseases as late blight, mealy dew, tobacco mosaic. But in order to prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to carry out certain preventive measures, such as soil mulching, loosening, weeding.

This variety is an excellent combination of large-fruited and early ripening among determinant varieties. Also, this variety has earned many positive reviews for its sweet, pleasant taste and ease of courtship.