Characterization and description of black tomato varieties
 Black tomato varieties

The appearance of black tomatoes attracts the attention and interest of many gardeners. Few people know that these are ordinary tomato varieties that are crossed with wild tomatoes.

They not only have a pleasant taste, aroma, delight exotic appearance, but also have a huge set of beneficial vitamins, minerals that can strengthen the immune system, relieve puffiness, improve vision, work of the gastrointestinal tract, brain, heart.

Due to its antioxidant properties, it improves skin condition. The use of black tomatoes has a beneficial effect on sexual function.

The most popular varieties of black tomatoes - description and characteristics

Many gardeners prefer to grow black tomatoes because of the variety of varieties that differ in color, size, shape.



Plants tall fruits medium ripening. Chernomor grow up by rassadny way. From planting to harvest passes 115 days.

Productivity according to the characteristic good - from 3 kg from a bush. Tomatoes of dark brown or dark red color, sometimes with a violet shade, have a pleasant sweet-sour taste. The peel of tomatoes is thick.

Grown in protected ground.

Black moor

The variety has an average ripening time (on average 115-120 days). Fruits well - with 1 bush you can get not less than 4 kg.

 Black moor
Black moor

Fruits are not large, but more than 15 pieces can form on one hand. Tomatoes. Has a brown-cherry color of the fruit. Ripe tomatoes with a sweetish taste. According to the description, the variety is suitable for use with fresh fruits, as well as for various preparations.

Most gardeners grow Black Moor in closed ground. So you can get a richer harvest. Because of their simplicity in the care ideal for growing novice gardeners.


Sort medium early. As the bush grows, it needs a garter, because the plant is tall. The first harvest can be obtained already after 100 days after landing.

Fruits are brown-red in color, with a pleasant sweet watermelon flavor. The average weight of the fruit - 100-120 gr.

The variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses or open ground.

Chocolate Marshmallow

Tall variety, the fruits of which ripen 110-115 days. Fruits are striped, have a brown-red shade. The fruits are very tasty, sweet, the weight of one fruit on average up to 150 gr. Suitable for any method of harvesting and fresh consumption.

The grade is intended for cultivation only in greenhouses.

 Chocolate Marshmallow
Chocolate Marshmallow

Ivan da Marya

These tomatoes are a hybrid. An adult plant can reach a height of 170 cm. Hybrid of a very early term of ripening - the product can be consumed after 90 days, have a dark red-brown color.

An extremely high yield has been observed in tomatoes - 5-6 kg from a bush. Fruit weight - from 150-200 grams. Can grow both in greenhouses and beds.

 Ivan da Marya
Ivan da Marya

Features care for black tomatoes

Like most species, black tomatoes grown by seedling. Growing this variety of seedlings does not have much difference from the cultivation of common species.

After planting seedlings in the ground, you need to carry out timely cradle - removal of excess shoots. This will allow to redirect additional energy not to the formation of new shoots, but to the ripening of healthy high-quality fruits.

Extra stepchildren are cut with sharp scissors, leaving small stumps in place of the cut (no more than 1 cm). The cut is smeared with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will save the plant from the growth of shoots in the future.

Tall plants require garters and timely harvest. This is necessary for the plant to quickly renew its strength.

Watering the bushes is carried out as the soil dries. The leaves of the plant should not be allowed to come into contact with the wet ground. It threatens the decay of foliage.

 Black tomatoes do not tolerate excess moisture
Black tomatoes do not tolerate excess moisture
It must be remembered that black tomatoes do not tolerate an excess of moisture.

Required timely removal of weeds, loosening the soil. If the summer is very hot and dry, you can spend the mulching to keep moisture in the earth a little longer.

Beautiful purple, brown, chocolate shades of this vegetable are possible only due to the presence in the fruits of special substances: anthocyanin (which is also considered an anti-cancer substance), lycopene, carotenoid. The lack of these elements can affect the color: they become pink, dull, lose their brightness.

The reason for this is considered a violation of the acid-base balance in the soil. You can normalize the balance by planting peas, mustard and other plants that have an alkaline reaction on a plot with tomatoes. You can replace fertilizer bird droppings.

To improve disease resistance, strengthen the plant, it is desirable every 10-14 days to make feeding in the form of chalk or ash. The amount of fertilizer applied depends on the variety.

Good yields depend on crop rotations. The following year, in place of tomatoes it is worth planting another culture. If this is not possible, then from the autumn to prepare a plot for spring planting. Remove the remains of the plant, dig up the area, fertilize it.

Most varieties of black tomatoes are grown in greenhouses.To prepare it for subsequent planting, it is better to replace the top layer of earth (at least 5 cm), disinfect the greenhouse with soda solution.

 Until full maturity, black tomatoes are the same color as regular tomatoes.
Until full maturity, black tomatoes are the same color as regular tomatoes.

Black tomatoes do not have significant differences from other types of tomatoes in the care and cultivation. This variety, as well as the usual, is threatened with such diseases and pests as fusarium, black leg, spider mite, whitefly. The latter are considered the most dangerous for tomatoes. Greenhouse tomatoes are less resistant to infection.

Many gardeners believe that the unusual pleasant taste and exotic color - the result of gene modification. But breeders rush to reassure.

This variety was developed using conventional breeding. No secondary interventions were applied.

If you show a little patience and a competent approach, then the work on growing tomatoes will be a delight. The result will be delicious, juicy, unusual fruit. They will not only delight in appearance, but also bring health benefits.