Detailed description and characteristics of the variety of tomato Dubrava
 tomato Dubrava

For many years now, Tomato Dubrava has been known to gardeners as one of the most proven “old-timers”. The variety has been cultivated in Russia since the times of the USSR. Dubrava tomatoes have many advantages: high yield, resistance to diseases. Characteristics varieties, pros and cons, ways to care in the article.

Description of tomato Dubrava

Many gardeners from the entire list of proposed varieties of tomatoes tend to choose those that do not require greenhouses, pasynkovaniya, tying and do not need careful care. One of these representatives is considered a tomato Dubrava.

Dubrava - the choice of many gardeners for ease of care

Characteristic variety

According to the description, the tomato bush is undersized and reaches a height of 50-65 cm. Therefore, the variety needs sufficient area for growth. For one bush you need an area of ​​30: 40cm. Compact, ornamental shrubs can be grown on the garden, on the windowsill and balcony.

With good care, the plant can give up to 2 kg of fruit from one bush. Fruits of bright red color reach a mass of 50-100 grams.

Dubrava considered to be a medium ripening tomato. Tomatoes appear from the first germination to full maturity within 80-95 days. The variety has a weakly pronounced branching of the branches, a good indicator of yield is the bushes with 3-4 stems. The shape of the leaves is small, light green in color.

Tomatoes feel comfortable with high humidity and high temperature. There is a significant increase in yield, subject to all conditions.Tomato tastes are excellent, with inherent sweetness and dry flesh.

The flavor qualities of the variety made it popular in cooking.

Hard fruit, amenable to transportation. If the fetus is torn off in an unripe condition, then already after a couple of days it fully ripens. The grade is suitable for processing, conservation, juice, the fresh use.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages varieties are:

  • early maturity;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • high yield;
  • can be grown without tying.

Minus grade in that it is impossible to cultivate seeds in an open ground. The plant reproduces only with the help of seedlings.

Tomato Reviews

According to the reviews of gardeners, it can be said with confidence that there is nothing difficult in the cultivation of the Dubrava variety. If you compare it with many European varieties, the variety is very easy to clean.

Tomato Dubrava perfectly copes with diseases such as late blight and bactericidal cancer. There are complaints that the leaves of tomatoes turn yellow and there is a likelihood of insects attacking the tomatoes in the greenhouse.

Subtleties growing tomato

It is allowed to grow tomatoes in the greenhouse, but you need to land it as soon as possible.The air temperature at night should not fall below 5 degrees, otherwise the seedlings will freeze.

The procedure for planting Dubrava

For planting seeds you need to purchase a special sand mixture, which is sold in specialized stores. You can use the substrates that remained after other crops: zucchini, greenery.

Before using the soil it should be disinfected. To do this, you can immerse in the oven and calcined.

Seeds for seedlings should be sown at the end of March. Also it is recommended to take into account the geographical location: in the southern regions - earlier, in the northern - later. For sowing seeds, you need to prepare a plastic or peat container so that each one has holes at the bottom for convenient watering of the seedlings.

When preparing seeds, it is desirable to treat them with a growth stimulator and disinfect them in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate. Such methods of preparation will help to quickly ascend the seed and protect against diseases.

 Dubrava seeds
Seeds of Dubrava require preparation before planting, growth stimulant, manganese solution
The method of correct selection of seeds: you need to dip them in saline solution (1 spoon per cup of water). Those seeds that have sunk to the bottom are suitable for seedlings.

Planting and growing rules seed:

  • place the seeds in the soil at a depth of 2 cm;
  • sprayer moisten the soil;
  • Cover the box with seedlings with a film or glass and place in the sun (t 25C);
  • when sprouts appear with 4-6 leaves, seedlings can be transplanted into the soil.

When a seedling is 50-60 days old, it can be begin to harden out (t 15-20С)

Step-by-step process of growing a variety at the dacha

Landing is carried out at a soil temperature of at least 15C. The main thing is not to be at night frosts. Landing stages:

  • good planting of Dubrava tomatoes in places where zucchini, legumes, and greens were previously grown;
  • locality must be well lit;
  • on 1 square. meter planted no more than 4 bushes tomato;
  • seedlings are instilled 10 cm into the soil at an angle. The plant will rise by itself;
  • the first 14 days are needed plentifully water the seedlings.


The most important thing is to prevent the drought of tomatoes. Tomatoes Dubrava moisture-loving. They do not need tying bushes and removing stepchildren.

It is important to weed the weeds in time and periodically loosen the soil. Before planting seedlings, the soil can be treated with a mixture of soap solution and nitroammophos from the sprayer.

Pest and disease control measures

Indicator of plant health - the color of foliage. If seedlings begins to turn yellow, it means that tomatoes do not feel comfortable. You need to carefully examine the shrub:

  • if there are red streaks on the sheets, this indicates a lack of nitrogen;
  • leaves turn yellow and become covered with spots - a lack of zinc;
  • leaves turn yellow and have a white sheen - iron deficiency.
Whiteflies are the most common pests of tomatoes in the greenhouse. They look like white flies, settle on the lower part of the leaf, feed on the sap of the plant, weakening it. Moreover, the whitefly is a carrier of viruses.

To combat the pest should be as follows:

  • hang adhesive tapes in the greenhouse;
  • spray the greenhouse with infusion of herbs: dandelion root, garlic, onion peel;
  • Chemical processing: Actellic, Aktara, Pegasus, Akarinom, Fitoverm.

One more dangerous pest - scoop. It strikes delivered, buds, flowers, fruits. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to treat the plants with infusions of calendula, burdock, and wormwood. Also suitable chemical treatment: Alatar, Iskra M, Fitoverm.

Medvedka on tomatoes gnaws the roots and stems, not allowing the fruit to grow. To fight insects use drugs: Thunder, Force, Medvetoks. They are buried right in the ground. The remedy “Fitoverm” will help from the nematode, and “Iskra M” or “Kemifoks” will save from the post-mineral.

Dubrava tomatoes - high-yielding culture, the advantage of which - excellent taste and resistance to diseases. You rich harvest!