Description and characteristics of tomato variety Khokhloma
 Tomato varieties Khokhloma

The Khokhloma tomato variety of the agrofirm Gavrish selection was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2004. According to the characteristic and the description it is intended for cultivation in the closed soil in garden and farms.

Characteristics and description of tomato variety Khokhloma

The variety is not hybrid, mid-ripening fruit through 115-120 days after germination. Indeterminate plant, tall with a length of the main stem up to 2 m. The garter and the formation of the bush with the removal of stepsons is necessary.The best results are achieved by the development of a tomato bush in one and two stalks.

The leaves are simple, medium, dark green. The initial inflorescence appears above the eighth leaf, then every three leaves. On a brush grows up to 11 tomatoes, they do not fall down.

The fruits are elongated 12-17 cm, smooth, cylindrical. Ripe tomatoes are intense red. Weight from 100 to 150 grams. The skin is thick. The pulp is thick, not watery.

 Khokhloma fruits have a weight of about 100-150 grams and a dense structure.
Khokhloma fruits have a weight of about 100-150 grams and a dense structure.

Tomatoes are universal purpose, suitable for fresh salad use and for preservation, they are easy to put in jars. Registered Commercial Yield 8-10 kg per 1 m2.

In garden plots, the Khokhloma tomato is grown in greenhouses; it can be cultivated in open ground in the southern regions with a mild climate.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the variety include:

  • high yield in small areas, subject to agrotechnical rules;
  • prolonged fruiting throughout the season;
  • pleasant taste;
  • resistance to mosaic disease, phytophthora, fusarium, cladosporia, many viruses;
  • unique long-term storage capacity without loss of presentation and taste;
  • transportability

The controversial shortcomings of Khokhloma include increased density, thick skin and inconsistency of the fruit. Juice from these tomatoes is impossible to prepare. On the other hand, with full canning, these “flaws” turn into positive qualities.

Growing requirements

According to the rules of crop rotation, the best predecessors for tomatoes are carrots, onions, zucchini, cucumbers, dill, parsley.

Khokhloma grown in the greenhouse. It is possible and in open ground, but the harvest will be much lower.

Since the variety is tall, the greenhouse must be of sufficient height. For garters, it is better to use trellis netting.

To get a harvest in Julyseeds need to be sown in the beginning of March. Seeds of the Gavrish company have a high germination rate, up to 98.

Algorithm works when growing the following:

  • Pickled seeds are sown on seedlings in a moist, light, nutritious soil to a depth of 20 mm. Seedling care is to thinning, watering and feeding. Maintain the required temperature.
  • Dive with the appearance of the first real leaflet in separate containers.
  • Preliminary soil preparation includes digging with the introduction of a sufficient amount of humus, complex mineral fertilizers, and ash.
  • We plant seedlings at the age of 54-60 days to a permanent place under the scheme 40 * 70 cm, 3-4 pieces per 1 m2. We plant in April in greenhouses, and in May in open ground, when a favorable temperature condition is established and the soil warms up to + 14 degrees.
  • For high yield plant we form in one stalk. 3-4 cm long steps are removed every 7-10 days. We tie up the plants on vertical trellis.
  • The lower leaves under the first brush are removed one by one each week so that they do not take food from the ripening fruits and do not pick up spores of diseases from the soil.
  • Further care has traditionally been in regular procedures for loosening the soil, watering, weeding, feeding and mulching.
 For high yield Khokhloma need to grow in one stem
For high yield Khokhloma need to grow in one stem

As a top dressing use infusion of mullein, bird droppings, mineral fertilizers and trace elements according to the rules of agrotechnical rules.

During ripening, tomatoes are responsive to mineral supplements with potassium content. Nitrogen during this period provokes excessive development of green mass to the detriment of the crop. Therefore, it will be a mistake to add organic matter. In addition to the harmful effects of nitrogen, organics contribute to the development of diseases.

Disease prevention

Tomato Khokhloma is considered a variety with immunity to diseases and pests.

It should be remembered about the rules of agricultural and crop rotation. Avoiding diseases will help:

  • loosening the soil;
  • timely weeding;
  • watering with settled water.

Tomatoes love plentiful but rare watering. During the fruiting period, nitrogen fertilizers cannot be abused and fresh manure must be applied.

 Variety of tomato Khokhloma likes abundant, but rare watering
Variety of tomato Khokhloma likes abundant, but rare watering

But preventive measures do not interfere, they are as follows:

  • seedlings need to be treated with 0.5% Bordeaux liquid before planting;
  • 3 weeks prior to harvesting the fruits of the plant, disinfect with a solution of 4 g of copper sulphate per 1 liter of water;
  • periodically pour ash around the bushes.

Harvesting and Storage

Frozen tomatoes not suitable for storage, they immediately spoil.

Harvesting should be carried out at an air temperature not below +8 degrees. To collect the fruit for long-term storage, choose a fine day. After the rain, the collection should not be carried out.

For storage, you need to collect small fruits, dense, without damage. They should be brown or milky ripeness.

 For storage it is necessary to collect dense small fruits.
For storage it is necessary to collect dense small fruits.

In a special plastic or wooden boxes for vegetables lay tomatoes on the paper with upward stems, pour in sawdust. Put the boxes on top of each other in a dark cool room with humidity above 80%. The room must be ventilated.

Well, if there is an opportunity to divide tomatoes according to the degree of ripeness. If stored red fruits at a temperature of +1 degree brown - at a temperature of +4 degrees, and green at +10, the shelf life will increase by 2 months.

Under these conditions, tomatoes ripen slowly. The taste and biological composition of them will not differ from the fruits ripened on the vine.

The Khokhloma tomato belongs to well-stored varieties that are oval in shape and have little seed cells, as well as a dense structure. With proper storage organization tomatoes can save up to winter.

Each gardener chooses his grade by trial and error. If you like long, dense tomatoes, pay attention to Khokhloma tomatoes. They have the advantage of getting early fruits, and convenient preservation, and easy care. Not for nothing, this variety was called - "tomatoes for the lazy."