Characteristics and description of tomato varieties Emerald apple
 Tomato Emerald Apple

Those who like to experiment with new tomato varieties will be delighted with the tomato variety Emerald Apple. Its main advantages are beautiful hearths with delicious gustatory qualities that carry a huge amount of useful elements, in the article we will give their characteristics and description. Also, there are similar varieties - the Crimean, Chinese and Green Apple.

Description and characteristics of tomato Emerald Apple

Culture attributed to medium early by aging, grown in greenhouse conditions and in open beds. From each bush you can get about 10 kilograms harvest. Fruiting begins in the middle of the summer season and continues until the beginning of autumn.

Bushes tall, reach one and a half meters. They are quite powerful, which is very important for the development of tomatoes.

It is recommended to form a bush independently, as excessive shoots have a detrimental effect on the plant.

The fruits are large, from 250 grams each, of rounded shape, with light ribbing. It tastes sweet, with a little sourness. Typical for tomato wateriness is completely absent.

 Grade fruit weight about 250 grams
Grade fruit weight about 250 grams

Tomatoes are recommended in the preparation of diets and nutrition of children.

The advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main benefits include:

  • original appearance of tomatoes;
  • excellent taste;
  • excellent preservation of the crop;
  • the ability to withstand many diseases characteristic of tomato plants;
  • stable yield.

As disadvantages, many gardeners note increased demands culture to the presence of nutrients in the soil composition, mandatory formation plants.

Requirements for soil for planting

Best to choose light and nutritious soil with neutral acidity. The ideal option for planting tomatoes is considered to be a mixture prepared from turf land and humus, taken in equal shares.

It is allowed to mix a small amount of river sand, which is previously washed with vermiculite.

Sowing rules

 Tomato Seeds Emerald Apple
Tomato Seeds Emerald Apple
When growing seedlings, it is best to sow seeds in March - early April.

Their pre-twelve hours soaked in a solution that stimulates growth. After that, the material can be planted in depth not more than one and a half centimeters. Landing is completed by light irrigation. Capacity covered with plastic wrap or a piece of glass.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the seedling boxes should be placed in a place that best sunshine.

If necessary, it is allowed to organize the lighting up.Temperature should be maintained within sixteen degrees of heat.

When the sprouts form the first leaves, they can swoop down on separate tanks.

Shortly before transplanting to a permanent place, the seedlings should be fed with complex fertilizer compositions that contain the necessary nutrients for the plant.

Transplantation of tomatoes in open ground

 Planting of seedlings in the ground is made according to the scheme 50 by 60 cm
Planting of seedlings in the ground is made according to the scheme 50 by 60 cm

Tomato seedlings are planted on the beds after the soil has warmed up sufficiently after the winter. As a rule, such works are performed. in late spring - early June.

In order to avoid landing thickening, it is necessary to adhere to the scheme. "50 to 60" centimeters.

Grade care after transplanting

Without fail, each transplanted plant is fixed to the support pillar.

Lower leaflets and excess shoots must be removed. In the final version you should have the two strongest and most developed stalks.

For the first time, beds should be covered with polyethylene, which is removed after a few days. Watering is not too often exceptionally warm water.

 Watering is done with exceptionally warm water.
Watering is done with exceptionally warm water.

It is necessary to wait for the moment when the soil in the beds begins to form a dried crust. At the same time, weed vegetation is removed and tillage is performed.

Diseases and their prevention

As mentioned above, this tomato culture is excellent against many diseases. But preventive measures are necessary to maintain in order to maintain a high level of yield.

To this end, the seed material before planting is ignited in the oven. The soil in the greenhouse is treated with a heated solution of manganese.
  • For protection from gray mold and fungus special biological preparations that do not contain toxic substances are used.
  • From late blight planting from time to time treated with preparations that have in its composition of copper.
  • From pests shrubs protect insecticides, medicinal herbs - yarrow, celandine, chamomile.

Harvesting and storage rules

 Mass harvest in September
Mass harvest in September

Mass harvesting accounts for September. Tomatoes can be canned and pickled, added to salads fresh. Storage is possible in a dark warm room.

Reviews gardeners about the variety

Elena Ivanovna

I live near St. Petersburg, I grow tomatoes in the greenhouse. I tried different varieties. Emerald Apple in our conditions a little naughty, but the taste of the brand is excellent. I mainly use it for salting.

Ivan Viktorovich

How many do not do tomatoes, more delicious varieties than this, did not grow. Bushes are powerful, juicy tomatoes, dense. I recommend to all gardeners Emerald Apple.

Galina Viktorovna

Tomato variety is excellent in all respects. But still will have to take care of himto achieve a good harvest. The main task is to form bushes so that the plant can bear fruit normally.

San Sanych

I never thought that the Emerald Apple has such taste. Juicy pulp does not contain wateriness, tomatoes are dense, rounded forms. Yes, a bit complicated is the care - pinching, tying up ... But it's worth it!

Alexandra Sergeevna

Now I will grow only this apple variety. This year, advised a friend to plant Emerald Apple. I thought I was wasting my time. But tomatoes ripened in such quantity that they only managed to conserve and salt.

We recommend everyone to add exotic notes to your garden by planting this tomato variety on the beds.The plant is original, its fruits are tasty. For your work you will receive a decent reward in the form of a rich harvest.