Description and characteristics of large-fruited varieties of tomato mazarini
 Tomato Mazarin

Who does not like the king of vegetables Signora-tomato. On a special account of tomato lovers large fleshy varieties. The Cardinal Mazarini Tomato is rightfully included in the top ten. Its description and characteristics are given in this review.

Description and characteristic of a grade of a tomato Mazarin

Large-fruited variety Mazarin bred by Russian breeders. It belongs to varieties with unlimited growth power of the stem, i.e. is an indeterminate plant.

In the open ground it is grown in the southern regions, in an unstable summer with temperature changes, it is most suitable for growing in greenhouse conditions, where it shows itself in all its glory.

 The large pink-crimson fruits of tomato Mazarin are heart-shaped
The large pink-crimson fruits of tomato Mazarin are heart-shaped

Mazarin refers to tomatoes with a mid-term ripening, you can try the first fruits within 110-120 days after germination.

The height of the plant is, depending on the growing conditions, 1.5 ÷ 2 m. In one brush it is fastened from 4 to 6 fruits. The weight of tomatoes in the first brushes 400 ÷ 600 gr. With the growth of the plant, the weight of the fruit decreases and averages 150 ÷ ​​300g. Productivity Mazarin high 10÷14 kg from one plant is achieved through a long period of fruiting until the frost.

Tomatoes are characterized by high sugar content, excellent sweet taste, juicy aromatic pulp.

Mazarini refers to tomatoes for salad purpose, which are used only in fresh form, but from the fleshy fruits come out thick, fragrant juices, pastes, ketchups, sauces, lechato and they are very tasty when preserved whole in tomato sauce.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Mazarin are:

  • excellent taste - sugary pulp with a small amount of seeds and the absence of acid in taste;
  • large-fruited and yield;
  • long lasting fruiting;
  • resilience to the main tomato diseases;
  • grade tolerates heat well and short periods of drought;
  • the good transportability and the keeping quality of the fruits.
 The yield of tomato Mazarini high, on the brush is formed by 5-6 ovaries
The yield of tomato Mazarini high, on the brush is formed by 5-6 ovaries


  • like all tall plants needs a garter;
  • for high yields it is necessary to form the plant, removing extra stepchildren, throughout the season.
Mazarini is a hybrid and you cannot use your seeds for further cultivation; you must buy them annually in specialized stores to be sure of the quality of planting material.

Requirements for soil for planting

Tomatoes are plants that are not particularly demanding on the composition of the soil, but for good yields they need a well-warmed, nutrient rich, loose earth with neutral acidity.

 Preparation of soil for planting tomatoes should begin in the fall
Preparation of soil for planting tomatoes should begin in the fall

To improve the qualitative composition of the soil and enrich it with nutrients From autumn, humus, chicken droppings, straw, and compost are introduced into the plot under the tomatoes. Ground digging. With increased acidity produce liming of the soil.

Sowing rules

Seeds for seedlings for greenhouses are sown in February, and for planting in open ground in March. Like all vegetable seeds, Tomato seed requires pre-sowing treatment: at least decontamination and germination stimulation.

To prevent fungal and viral diseases seeds for 20 ÷ 30 min. placed in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, after which they must be washed in pure water and sent to a solution with a growth stimulator. This may be Epin, potassium humate, a solution of boric acid (2 g per 1 l of water), a solution with aloe juice.

 Planting tomato seed Mazarin seedlings in the tray
Planting tomato seed Mazarin seedlings in the tray

Seeds are planted in planting tanks (boxes, cassettes, trays) at a distance of 1 ÷ 1.5 cm from each other in a moist soil on top sprinkled with a thin layer of earth. Lightly spray the ground with a spray bottle, cover with film and place in a warm place.

Spraying seeds depends on the ambient temperature.The higher the temperature, the faster the seeds will sprout.

After about 7-10 days on the surface of the soil appear loops of seedlings. The film is removed and transferred landing capacity to the brightest place, the temperature is reduced to 18 ÷ 20 ° C.

The strongest are the seeds that came up as a close-knit group, and not the first single shoots. Seedlings that can not lose seed pods are weak and should be removed immediately.

At the moment when the cotyledon leaves are fully formed, the plant goes on to feed on the roots, therefore for further normal development of seedlings it needs to start to feed any mineral fertilizer (not more than 1 tsp. per 5 liters of water).

This period is also very good light is important. Plants in the evening need to shine.

 Additional display of seedlings in the evening
Additional display of seedlings in the evening

Watering need moderate, as the plant grows, the amount of moisture in the soil increases.

In phase 2-3 of these leaves spend picks.

At the age of 45-60 days seedlings ready for transplanting in greenhouses, greenhouses, open ground.

Transplantation of tomatoes in open ground

When transplanting seedlings in open ground in the planting holes, you can put 1 tbsp.complex mineral fertilizer or 1 tsp. wood ash. Plants deepen cotyledon leaves, which will contribute to the development of additional roots on the deep part of the stem. If the seedlings from inadequate lighting stretched out, they put it in trenches, laying it on its side.

 Tomato seedling planting scheme
Tomato seedling planting scheme

When landing on 1 m2 place no more 3 plants. When planting thickened tomatoes will be poorly ventilated, which can lead to fungal diseases.

Care after transplant

Further care consists of watering, loosening the soil and weed control, feeding and plant formation.

During growth, flowering, fruit set, watering should be abundant. During fruit ripening, watering is reduced.

It will be better to soil the ground under the tomatoes. It will eliminate the loosening of the soil, will restrain the growth of weeds.

Every 10-14 days, plants need additional feeding. This may be fermented infusion of herbs, mullein, bird droppings, wood ash or solutions of mineral fertilizers.

 Mazarini tomato bush form in 1 stem, side shoots and lower leaves must be removed
Mazarini tomato bush form in 1 stem, side shoots and lower leaves must be removed

Since Mazarini is a tall plant, it is formed into 1-2 stems, the remaining stepchildren are removed every 10 days.The plant needs support. It can be wooden stakes, metal rods, trellis, etc.

 Immediately after transplanting, seedlings are tied to supports
Immediately after transplanting, seedlings are tied to supports

For large fruits on the plant leave no more than 5 brushes.

Disease and Prevention

Mazarini hybrid is moderately resistant to infection with fungal and viral diseases. Prophylactic treatments for phytophthora, brown spot and gray rot should be performed. It can be as a treatment with fungicides, biologics or folk remedies.

Fungicides: Kvadris, Ridomil Gold, Bordeaux Fluid, Oxyhom, Hom.

Biological products: Fitosporin, Alirin-B, Trikhodermin, Baktofit, Hamair, Mikosan.

Harvesting and Storage

Tomatoes are harvested as they ripen. They are well kept and carry transportation.

 The harvest of tomato Mazarini is conducted throughout the season as the fruit ripens
The harvest of tomato Mazarini is conducted throughout the season as the fruit ripens

Before the frosts, all the fruits are removed from the bushes and put them on the ripening in a dark cool place,be sure to put a few ripe green fruits. They can be stored 1,5-2 of the month. Fruits need to be periodically viewed and cleaned.

It’s simply impossible to deny yourself the pleasure of growing and then enjoying the beauty and taste of Mazarin fruits. If we take into account that he is not capricious in growing and care for him is no different from other varieties of tomato.