Detailed description and characteristics of the variety of tomato Perseus
 Tomato Perseus

Many summer residents seek to grow on their plots proven varieties of tomatoes, easy to grow, resistant to diseases and giving a good harvest. One of these varieties is Perseus tomato, the description and characteristics of which we will discuss in more detail in the article.

Description and characteristics of tomato Perseus

Tomato Perseus belongs to the determinant middle-early varieties, no more than 120 days pass from germination to ripening.This variety has existed for more than a hundred years, it was bred by Moldovan breeders in the 19th century, and during this period it showed its qualities perfectly. It is suitable for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouses, but in the latter case, artificial pollination will be needed, as under the open sky, tomatoes are pollinated by insects and wind.

The bushes of the plant are well leafy, powerful, their height is 0.5–0.6 m, they do not require stading and garters, therefore they are excellent for those gardeners who have very little time to take care of. After the plant releases a 6-7 leaf, the first inflorescences form, forming a small brush. On each brush 4-5 fruits are fastened. Ripe fruits are red in color, with a small green spot near the stem. Their shape is flat, flat-round.

 Description and characteristics of tomato Perseus
Perseus tomato on a bush

The fruit has 5-7 seed chambers, its flesh is juicy, but at the same time rather dense. Tomatoes weighing from 110 to 180 gr., Usually the first fruits are larger than the next ones, have excellent taste and commodity qualities, they are well tolerated for long-term transportation, are well stored. This variety belongs to the universal and is suitable for fresh consumption, in salads, as well as for canning.

Growing areas

Perseus Tomato is so versatile that it is suitable for growing in almost all Russian regions. For the northern regions, this variety is suitable because of its early ripeness, friendly yield of the crop, which allows it to grow in a short summer. But at the same time it is resistant to the hot southern sun, because it has strong foliage that can cover the crop from the scorching rays.

Perseus tomato is perfect for those regions where late blight becomes a big problem, as the variety has an increased resistance to this disease.
 Description and characteristics of tomato Perseus

The advantages and disadvantages of the variety

There are practically no drawbacks to this variety of tomatoes, while the advantages are an impressive list:

  • High yield;
  • Precocity;
  • Lack of complex care;
  • Resistance to many diseases;
  • Heat resistance;
  • Excellent taste of the fruit;
  • The possibility of long-term storage;
  • Transportability;
  • Variety universal purpose.
That is why Perseus has become one of the most beloved varieties of the majority of summer residents and farmers.
 The advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Tomato in section

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Before sowing, the seeds must be sorted and disinfected in a solution of manganese, diluted to a dark pink color. Soak the seeds in it for 10-15 minutes.


Before planting seeds in the ground can be germinated. To do this, they are laid out in an even layer on several layers of gauze, cotton or fabric, well moistened with water, and covered with a layer of damp gauze on top. Put in a warm place and monitor the humidity, if necessary, sprinkling with water. After a couple of days, the roots will appear. When they reach a length of 4-5 mm, you can land them in the ground.

If the roots of the seeds outgrow, it increases the likelihood that the plants will not take root when they are planted in the ground.

You can do without sprouting, but in this case, the seedlings will need to wait longer, and germination may be lower.

Seed germination


Capacities for sowing can be used wooden, cardboard, plastic. The earth mixture from the dacha can be contaminated by pathogenic bacteria and fungi, so it needs to be ignited in the oven, warm in a microwave or process with boiling water. Purchased soil does not require this treatment.

To plant seeds on seedlings need approximately a couple of months before planting in open ground. Sowing stages:

  • Prepared seeds spread out on a moist soil at a distance of 1.5-2 cm, and between rows to leave a gap of 4 cm.
  • Cover with a layer of soil 0.5-1cm, and cover the crops with film or glass, put in a warm place.
  • After the emergence of shoots put on a bright sunny place. With a lack of light to provide plants with lighting lamps.
Prepare the soil mixture and fill the containers should be a half to two weeks before sowing the seeds. During this time, in a sterile soil, good bacteria will multiply, favorably influencing the development of plants.

If necessary, if the plants have grown too thick, on the 10th day the shoots can be swooped down. Re-picking is carried out in 2-3 weeks, planting the plants separately in pots. You can use peat or plastic, homemade polyethylene, as long as their volume is not less than 0.6-0.8 l.

Planting seeds for seedlings

Transplanting tomato in open ground

Tomatoes must be transplanted into the open ground only after the last spring frosts. It is advisable to temper the seedlings before planting.To do this, to ventilate the room more often, if there is an opportunity, then take it outside in the daytime, reduce the temperature to 15 C. To plant the plants in the ground, choose a cool windless day.

The depth of the prepared holes is 10-15 cm, it is necessary to plant the plants, slightly deepening the main stem. The distance between the bushes is 40 cm, 7-8 plants can be placed on one square meter.


To get a good harvest, it is necessary to care for plants during the growing season. Basic care includes:

  1. Infrequent, but abundant watering, on average, 2-3 liters of water should be poured into one adult bush.
  2. Timely disposal of the site with tomatoes from weeds.
  3. Loosening the soil for air access to the roots of plants.
  4. Periodic feeding: in the period of growth - nitrogen-containing, in the period of flowering - spraying with magnesium and boron, in the period of fruiting - potash and phosphorus fertilizers.
  5. If necessary, treatment with fungicides and other drugs for the prevention of disease.
Top dressing tomato
Fertilizers should not be applied frequently and in excess, as this may adversely affect not only the development of plants, but also human health.

As the fruits ripen, you need to pick them, which will contribute to the ripening of still green tomatoes.

Diseases and their prevention

Perseus tomatoes are distinguished by increased resistance to diseases such as fusarium, blight, tobacco mosaic virus, fracture, alternarioz. But if the weather is humid and warm, for prevention it is necessary to carry out the treatment with fungicidal preparations.

 Diseases and their prevention
Handling seedlings against pests and diseases

Seed collection

To get the seeds yourself, you need to choose the fruits that best meet the varietal qualities. The fruit should be ripe, but not overripe. It should be cut across, then remove the seeds in a small cup. After harvesting, the seeds must be held in their own juice for a couple of days, during which time the juice will ferment, the seeds will sink to the bottom. Then rinse well and dry at room temperature, spreading it on a sheet of paper and stirring occasionally. Store dried seeds in a dry cool place in signed paper bags.

Tomato Perseus is a wonderful high-yielding variety, tested by time and several generations of gardeners. It has many advantages, easy to grow.With the right agricultural technology, you can get a big crop of tomatoes.