Characteristics and description of tomato variety Sanka
 Tomato Sanka

The increasing location and love of summer residents conquers a variety of tomato Sanka. It is picky, there is no need for excessive care and has a good harvest. Let's take a closer look at the description and description of the tomato.

Description of tomato variety Sanka

The variety is undersized, height less than 60 cm. It is considered early ripening, as it produces ripe fruit after 90 days. Tomatoes grow round and fleshy.The weight of one fruit is 100 g, and grown in the greenhouse reaches 150 g. Tomatoes on the bush ripen at the same time, the total weight is 4 kg.

Tomato characteristic

Variety resistant to low temperatures.

For the ripening of fruits enough sunlight. Since it is not a hybrid, seedlings are grown from seeds. It is universal. Sanka Sanka grows well in the open air and in the greenhouse.


Since the plant is short, he does not need garter and pasynkovanii. Pleases with ripe fruits for a long time, until frost. You can make salads from a tomato, and thanks to a thin skin, it is ideal for any kind of preservation.

 Tomato Sanka does not need a garter and cradle
Tomato Sanka does not need a garter and cradle

Features of growing

Process step by step

Should first gather seeds correctly from the previous crop, dry them before growing.

Remember, for a bountiful harvest, you should use only the seedling method.

Next, you need to calculate when to sow seedlings. At this time, you should take 50 days. During this period, the plant will achieve the desired development.For example, if you sow in mid-March, then in early May, seedlings can be transplanted into a greenhouse.

If you plan to plant in the open field, then make sure that the soil warms up well, and the constant warm weather settles. After planting, the ground around the trunk is covered with sawdust. Increased air flow to the roots.

Preferably, before sowing seeds to pickle. To do this, you need to make a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and hold the seeds in it. After they should be rinsed. Also used to accelerate their growth, various stimulants.

 Sanka Tomato Seeds
Sanka Tomato Seeds

There may be options:

  • zircon;
  • epin-extra;
  • Oberg;
  • ecosyl.

After preparation, the seeds are dried and sown in containers filled with earth. Layer, which fall asleep seed should be not less than a centimeter. Moisturize the ground before planting. Make sure that in the future it was constantly wet and loose. Capacity until germination cover film.


It should be carried out when the seedlings appear a couple of leaves. This procedure will stimulate root development. Seedlings should be transplanted into cups, deepening to the leaves.Mineral fertilizer should be put in the soil for transplantation, with the calculation of one tablespoon per 5 liters of soil.

 Picks are performed when a couple of leaves appear on the seedlings.
Picks are performed when a couple of leaves appear on the seedlings.
To plant the seedlings in the ground should be according to the scheme 50 × 40 cm. It is necessary to calculate so that there is not more than 9 plants per square meter.


Since the grade Sanka does not like heavy soil, it should be prepared in the fall. It is also necessary to remember about the seedlings. So that it is well caught, it should be hardened a week before disembarking. For this, during the day the seedlings are taken out into the street, starting from 15 minutes and gradually increasing the time.

In the summer, tomatoes do not require special care. Unlike other varieties, stepchildren do not need to be deleted. Before flowering, tomatoes are fed with the same fertilizer as seedlings.


As for watering, he moderate, as needed. Cold water cannot be used for this purpose. Let her spend some time in the sun. It should be avoided that moisture gets on the fruit and leaves.

 The plant needs moderate watering.
The plant needs moderate watering.

How to feed

It is desirable after a fortnight after the picking, to feed the tomatoes. Anyone can do this. complex mineral fertilizerwhich contains in its composition:

  • sodium sulfate;
  • super sulphate;
  • urea
Grown up saplings are fed with this fertilizer a month later.


The advantages of the variety are also in the fact that the fruits can be stored on the bush for a long time, without losing the hardness and flavor. After collection, they are stored two months.

Tomatoes ripen in 5-7 pieces, have an average size. The plant itself stops growing by 5 fruiting brush.

 Tomato varieties have average
Tomato varieties have average

What can spoil the harvest


Most of the variety Sanka is disease resistant, but sometimes it affects:

  • Blackleg. Often affected seedlings. To avoid this, try not to be zealous with the strait, and do not forget about airing.
  • Alternaria or dry spotting. At this time, spots appear on the leaves, black bloom on the fruits. To get rid of the disease, it is worth using fungicides.
  • Black bacterial spotting. This is a fungus that affects the plant completely. The leaves turn yellow and curl, the fruits rot. At the first signs of illness, it is necessary to spray the plant with drugs that contain copper.

Remember, because fungal diseases are easier to prevent than to cure, you should replace the top layer of soil in greenhouses, and dig the ground deep.


Also, tomatoes are subject to attacks of pests. Fight with them begins in the fall, deeply digging the soil.


It is easily removed by the help of a large water pressure. It is worth watering from a hose every day until it disappears from the plant.

 Aphids on tomato stalk
Aphids on tomato stalk

If this does not help, cut off the affected leaves or use it once a week:

  • Fufanon;
  • Aktaru;
  • Fitoverm.

Insect larvae

Tomatoes are attacked by caterpillars in greenhouses. To avoid this, clean the weeds regularly, and the land before planting pour boiling water. Thus, the larvae in the ground are destroyed.

 Caterpillar Crash
Caterpillar Crash

Colorado beetle

Adults are harvested by hand. Destroy the clutches of their eggs and larvae.

In the fight against them helps saline. Apply more "Inta-Vir" and "Akarin."

Also on sale there is a kind of "Sanka Golden". The grade is different in color, otherwise it has identical characteristics.