Proper tomato cultivation Sprut F1
 Tomato tree varieties Sprut

Tomato Octopus is an extraordinary result of breeding specialists. Many gardeners argued how real such a culture is. But the creators of the tomato tree claim that this is possible. In addition, there are gardeners who managed to grow such tomatoes on their plots. It is believed that this variety can be grown here, even under the most adverse weather conditions.

Description and characteristics of tomato sprout

This grade according to the characteristic hybrid, long. Its growth is not limited, and the plant is able to reach a five-meter mark in height.

In industrial cultivation from a single tomato tree harvested up to 1.5 tons fruits. Gardeners will be able to cultivate such a plant, planting it in a greenhouse.

Culture forms a crown, the diameter of which according to the description reaches 50 square meters. On a brush matures up to 6 fruits, each of which weighs no more than 150 grams.

 The diameter of the crown of tomato tree can reach 50 sq.m.
The diameter of the crown of tomato tree can reach 50 sq.m.

The foliage is oval, inflorescences of white-pink shade. The tomatoes are elongated, painted in yellow, red, orange color, distinguished by excellent taste, fruit density, their fleshiness and aroma. Great for canning, juicing.

If you comply with the requirements for storage, then fresh tomatoes lie until the New Year holidays.

Successful cultivation of such a giant is possible only in greenhouse conditions.

And the greenhouse should be heated all year round, without interruption. Naturally, it requires and intensive nutrition.

History of tomato

For a long time the tomato tree is grown up in South America. But in conditions with a temperate climate, plants could be cultivated only in botanical gardens. But in 1985, the breeder from Japan Nozawa Shigeo first introduced the hybrid variety, which was able to produce a real sensation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main positive qualities distinguish the following signs:

  • beauty of tomatoes, the versatility of their use;
  • excellent yield;
  • unpretentious care;
  • early ripening;
  • long period of fruiting;
  • good resistance to the most common diseases;
  • no need for pinching.
 One of the advantages is the beauty of the fruit and its versatility.
One of the advantages is the beauty of the fruit and the versatility of its use.

The negative points include:

  • mandatory formation bush;
  • special requirements for soil composition;
  • abundance of dressings.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

There is no need to experiment - use seed, purchased in special stores. The technological process does not cause much difficulty.

Preparation of tanks with ground

For planting you need containers in the form of barrels or boxes.

To remove excess moisture in a timely manner, the bottom is knocked out in a barrel. Holes are arranged in the walls according to the “twenty by twenty” scheme so that oxygen can easily flow to the roots.

Capacity is set in a well-lit place. Preparing a mixture of earth, turf and bio-fertilizers in equal shares, filled with ten-centimetric layers.


 Seeds of tomato variety Octopus F1
Seeds of tomato variety Octopus F1

Like the other tomato varieties of seeds, planting material of this culture should be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate and washed with running water. Sowing is carried out in January - February, for good germination, a temperature regime of twenty-five degrees of heat is observed.

Post-treatment care

The first shoots will appear in a week and a half. Seedlings require timely watering, removal of weeds, the introduction of fertilizer compounds.

Transplanting tomato in open ground

The culture is transplanted into the open ground. in late May - early Junewhen sprouts stretch to thirty centimeters and form from five to seven leaves.

A hillock is built from the fertile soil into which the bush is planted. Previously on it stepchildren and the lower leaves are removed.Another layer of soil mixture is poured to a height of ten centimeters, the container is covered with polyethylene.

As soon as the bush stretches for a dozen centimeters, it is again sprinkled with soil to the leaves located below. The procedure lasts until the entire barrel is filled.
 When planting in open ground, it is advisable to use a barrel or plastic bag
When planting in open ground, it is advisable to use a barrel or plastic bag

Grade Care

To the middle of the summer season, tomato lash must be provided props. The soil should be maintained 60% humidity levelfor which it is recommended to perform loosening and mulching. Watering is carried out up to three times a week and only warm water.

Since July, you can begin to make fertilizer, up to three times a week using a mash made from mixed soil and biocompost. In addition, the tomato tree requires mineral or organic compounds that are introduced during irrigation.

As soon as the tomatoes of the first hand ripen, remove foliage. The operation is repeated when the tomatoes on the second hand begin to grow brown. Wilted leaves should be plucked during the growing season.

For the purposes of prophylaxis, it is possible to water the plant with the addition of a small amount of iodine.

Features of fruiting

It is recommended to grow the plant in a large greenhouse equipped with a heating system. These are the basic conditions that guarantee the normal development of culture.
 The variety is recommended to grow in a large greenhouse with a heating system
The variety is recommended to grow in a large greenhouse with a heating system

Tomato is able to grow in more constrained conditions, but it is not worth expecting a good harvest in this case. According to the technology, you will not get a full-fledged tree; a tomato will develop only to the size of a bush; tomatoes will be small and not in such quantity.

Diseases and their prevention

It has already been said that Sprut Excellent against major diseases. But it will not be superfluous if the treatment from phytophthora is organized for preventive purposes. From the appearance of rot protect the plant with special solutions, which are used at the beginning of the summer season.

Tomato Sprut is considered by many to be a true miracle of breeding experiments. Each gardener, observing the requirements for growing, will simply be proud of the tomato tree and the results of their own labor. And if something doesn’t work out, you’ll take the harvest anyway. We recommend that you have patience and courage and try your hand at growing this amazing hybrid.