Characteristics and description of a hundred Pudov tomato variety
 Tomato Hundred Poods

Such a loud name of the variety will undoubtedly attract the attention of experienced gardeners. After all, everyone dreams of good quality fruits and high yields. Tomato Hundred pounds really justifies its name, and below we consider its characteristics and description, advantages, disadvantages and rules of cultivation.

Characteristics and description of a hundred Pudov tomato variety

This variety was bred by Russian breeders. This kind of tomato mid-early term of ripening.The ripening period according to the characteristic - 120–125 days. Differs in high productivity.

Grow this type of tomato, both in greenhouses and in the open field. When grown in a greenhouse, the bush grows to a height of 2 meters. In the open ground grows to a height of 1.5 meters.

The leaves are dark green in color, not a large amount on the trunk. Fruits are pear-shaped, ribbed. Fetal weight from 160 to 350 gr.The color is bright red. The flesh is fleshy, taste sweetish, a small amount of seeds. The skin is thick, but not coarse.

 The weight of fruits of a grade makes from 160 to 350 grams
The weight of fruits of a grade makes from 160 to 350 grams
Grows brushes of 5-6 pieces.

Advantages and disadvantages

One hundred pounds tomato variety, like any other vegetable, has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this class include:

  • good yield;
  • great taste;
  • do not crack;
  • high content of nutrients;
  • low calorie;
  • can grow both in greenhouses and in the open field, with proper care in any regions;
  • long period of fruiting;
  • It does not require special care;
  • excellent presentation;
  • good transportability;
  • wide use in cooking;
  • able to ripen;
  • high disease resistance.

The disadvantages of this variety include the need for pinching and tying bushes.

 The disadvantages include the need for mandatory garter
The disadvantages include the need for mandatory garter

Preparation and sowing of seeds for seedlings

Seeds purchased in the store do not require any preparation other than germination. Personally harvested seeds must be prepared for sowing.

Seed preparation performed in several stages:

  1. Selection. In a saline solution, soak the seeds for 10 minutes. Leave only the seeds that have fallen to the bottom. Remove the floating seeds, as they are not suitable for planting;
  2. Disinfection. In order to prevent diseases, treat the seeds with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate;
  3. Soak. For better germination, soak in a growth stimulator;
  4. Hardening perform to improve the adaptation of the plant to any climatic changes. Seeds are placed in a cloth bag and put in the refrigerator for 13 hours;
  5. Warming up . Seeds warm up 6 hours after hardening at a temperature of +20 degrees;
  6. Germination. Place the seeds in a saucer on wet filter paper.You must constantly make sure that the paper remains wet all the time until the seeds germinate.

Before planting seeds is necessary prepare the soil. You can do this as follows:

  1. The soil from the garden mixed in equal parts with peat and sifted river sand. To normalize the acidity of the soil, add ash in the prepared soil;
  2. Disinfect with a hot solution of strong manganese.
 Tomato seeds Hundred Poods
Tomato seeds Hundred Poods

Prepare the prepared soil in a container and level it well. Sow seeds in the grooves to a depth of 0.7 cm with a distance of 2 cm from each other. Sprinkle the grooves with a thin layer of soil and moisten with a spray bottle. Cover the container with polyethylene and place in a dark room with temperature. +25 degrees.

After 5 days, when the first shoots appear, remove the polyethylene from the container and bring the seedlings into the lighted room. To get good seedlings you need create additional lighting. This can be done with the help of fluorescent lights. Watering should be moderate.

At emergence at saplings of two leaves them are necessary plant in separate pots one liter capacity.

It is necessary to perform transplantation very carefully so as not to damage the root system that has not yet become stronger.

It is better to replant seedlings, carefully digging them, with a clod of earth from the former place of growth. If the seedlings have 3-4 leaflets, you must complete the procedure. hardening.

 The pickling of the seedlings must be carried out together with the earth clod.
The pickling of the seedlings must be carried out together with the earth clod.

To do this, the first two days should be open for 3 hours a window into the room. You need to make sure that there are no drafts. For the next three days, take the seedlings to an open loggia for a full light day. Two days before transplanting in greenhouses leave the seedlings on the loggia for the whole night.

Transplanting seedlings in open ground

Transplanted seedlings in greenhouses at the age of 60 days. If it is planned to grow in open ground, then transplanting to a permanent place of growth is performed May 10—15.

The frequency of planting seedlings in a row - 35–45 cm. Row spacing 65-75cm. Pour the soil before transplanting seedlings with a hot solution of strong manganese. After transplanting, seedlings need to be watered from a watering can, mulch sawdust or humus and make a comprehensive fertilizer. Subsequent watering should be moderate, as the soil dries.

To form a bush should in 1 or 2 stalks. Tying bushes to the supports is necessary as soon as the top of the bush begins to wrap.

 It is necessary to form a bush in 1 or 2 stalks
It is necessary to form a bush in 1 or 2 stalks

In the process of growth it is necessary to fertilize the plants. fermented mullein. During the flowering period, the root system is fertilized. ash or fertilizers containing nitrogen. At the time of the formation of the fruit solution soda and boric acid or fertilizers containing magnesium sulfate.

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that the plant has good immunity to diseases, experienced gardeners recommend preventive measures:

  1. When landing avoid thickening;
  2. Do not plant tomatoes in the soil where carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, onions, turnips were previously grown;
  3. Do not irrigate with high humidity;
  4. Water under the root;
  5. Feed with potash-phosphate fertilizers.
 Watering should be carried out at the root to limit the possibility of disease.
Watering should be carried out at the root to limit the possibility of disease.

Tomatoes can be affected by the following insects:

  • spider mite;
  • Colorado beetle;
  • aphid;
  • hothouse whitefly.

To combat aphids can wash the leaves of the bush soap solution. Other pests can be controlled by spraying the plants with special preparations. Insect larvae collect by hand.


Collect the fruits Pudovika after 120-125 days since landing. Use fresh fruit for making salads. Juicy pulp of tomatoes is used in obtaining juice, ketchup, pasta. It is possible to preserve in the whole form only those fruits that ripen on the hand last.

According to reviews of gardeners who grow a variety of 100 pounds on their plot, good yields and excellent taste are guaranteed. And unpretentiousness in leaving do this grade available in cultivation even to beginners.