Detailed description and characteristics of pink tomato torbay variety
 Tomato Torbay

Tomato is one of the essential vegetables that must be present in the garden. The market has a large number of seeds of various varieties and tomato hybrids, which differ in ripening, fruit size, height of bush, taste etc. In this review we will talk about Tomato Torbay, with a description and description of which can be found below.

Breeding history and region of growth

In 2010, the Dutch company Bejo Zaden launched the Torbay F1 tomato hybrid, which quickly gained popularity among gardeners. In our country, he passed the state registration in 2012.

 Pink tomato grade Torbay f1
Pink tomato grade Torbay f1

This hybrid is determinant, so the crop ripens in a shorter time, than indeterminant. Because of this, it can be grown even in regions with a short summer.

In the southern regions can be grown in open ground, to get a good harvest in the middle lane of the bushes is better to cover the film. In the northern regions, tomatoes are grown in heated greenhouses and greenhouses.

Description of tomato Torbay

The main characteristics of the bush

 Tomato Torbay f1 differs with stem determinative shrub
Tomato Torbay f1 differs with stem determinative shrub

Torbay tomatoes belong to the mid-early hybrids. From sowing seeds for seedlings to harvesting passes 100-110 days They can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. The height of the plant in the open ground reaches 75-80 cm, and in greenhouses - up to 150 cm. About six fruits form in the hand. Tomatoes ripen amicably. With one bush can collect up to 6 kg of tomato.

The plant is rather sprawling, therefore it requires molding.

Characteristics of the fruit

Ripe tomatoes get bright pink and raspberry color. At the beginning of the harvest, the weight of one fruit can reach up to 210g. Tomatoes have a sweet and sour taste. Fruits form a flat-round shape with a slightly ribbed surface. Each tomato contains four or five seed chambers.

Fruits have dense pulp and peel. Near the stem of ripe tomatoes is missing a green spot.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of a hybrid:

  • resistant to most diseases;
  • hybrid high-yielding;
  • drought resistant;
  • tomatoes can be transported long distances;
  • fruits have a long shelf life (2-3 weeks);
  • tomatoes don't crack;
  • tomatoes are high taste characteristics;
  • simultaneous ripening of fruits.
 Torbay tomatoes ripen at the same time and are well protected from most diseases
Torbay tomatoes ripen at the same time and are well protected from most diseases

Disadvantages of a hybrid:

  • tall stem therefore requires a garter;
  • bush sprawling therefore requires molding.

Planting seeds

For seedlings, seeds are sown at the end of March.

Seeds before planting must be treated with stimulants (if they have not been pre-processed).

Preparing for sowing

  1. Select quality seeds. To do this, they are placed in a saline solution. The empty ones will float, and the full ones will sink to the bottom. Full seeds can be soaked.
  2. Seeds are soaked before planting. To do this, pour a piece of cloth seeds. Then it is tied into a knot. The bag is placed in warm (22-25 ° C water). Soaking is performed within 3-4 days.
 Soaking tomato seeds before planting seedlings
Soaking tomato seeds before planting seedlings
  1. After soaking seeds are decontaminated within 15 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, prepare a 0.5-1% solution. Then they must be washed in running water.
  2. Treatment biostimulants.

Treated seeds are sown in prepared ground. They are planted to a depth of about 15 mm. The soil should be warm, not below 20 ° C.

After the first true leaflets appear, the seedlings swoop. A pick is needed to create a powerful root system. Plants are removed from the soil and planted again. At this operation the part of roots of seedlings breaks. If the central root is very large, then you can remove part of the root manually.

 Hardening of seedlings of tomatoes Torbay
Hardening of seedlings of tomatoes Torbay

Seedlings grow for about 30 days. Then it can be planted in the ground.A week before planting, it is advisable to begin to harden the plants.

Transplantation of seedlings in open ground

Plants are planted in open ground after the threat of frost disappears. Planted bushes on 4 PC. on 1 sq.m or according to the scheme 30x60 cm.

The soil for growing tomatoes should be light with a neutral or slightly acid reaction. If the soil is acidic, you must first perform its liming.

Near each bush should provide a system of garters plants.

Growing conditions

Caring for tomatoes consists of regular watering, pasynkovanie and garter.

The plant is formed in one or two stems. If you grow a bush in one stem, the fruits are larger. When the stepsons reach a length of 5 cm, they are removed. Leave a small stub when removed. In this case, the stepchildren will no longer grow in this place.

 Tomato bush formation scheme
Tomato bush formation scheme

It is desirable to mumble the soil. In this case, no loosening of the soil around the bush is required. Mulch must be at least 5 cm. In addition, this thickness prevents the growth of weeds, and the ground under the mulch will be cool to the touch, even with strong heat.

Straw is best for mulch, but you can use cut and dried weeds.

Watering should be sufficiently abundant. If the bushes are not mulched, then watering is done every two days. With a mulch soil, it can be performed less frequently.

Also be sure to feed plants.

Feeding is done three times per season: 1.5 weeks after planting, after the second hand blooms and after the start of fruit ripening.

Features fruiting varieties

Hybrid Torbay F1 differs amicable ripening and fruiting. The first tomatoes grow larger (up to 210 c). The following fruits grow smaller.

Also, small-sized tomatoes can grow if agronomy is not observed.

Diseases and their prevention

This hybrid is quite resistant to most diseases. Shrubs are almost not affected by rot, Fusarium, mosaic of tomato, are not subject to verticilous wilt.

 In order to avoid diseases of tomatoes, tomato bushes Torbay need to process fungicides in time.
In order to avoid diseases of tomatoes, tomato bushes Torbay need to process fungicides in time.

Seedlings and adult plants may be affected by the black leg. Affected bushes are removed from the garden and burned.Also, tomatoes can be affected by the whitefly, aphids, spider mites and the Colorado beetle.

To combat insects used special chemicals.

This hybrid can be recommended for growing not only amateur growers, but also farmers for the industrial production of vegetables.