Description and characteristic of a grade of a tomato anniversary Tarasenko
 Tomato anniversary tarasenko

Jubilee Tarasenko - this variety, many amateur vegetable growers planted annually in greenhouses and in open ground. The hybrid gained popularity in the 90s of the last century. Amateur breeder F. M. Tarasenko gave him a name in honor of his 75th birthday. In the article we will describe the characteristics of a tomato and you will be able to evaluate its merits and make the right choice before planting.

Description and characteristics of tomato

Tomatoes Jubilee Tarasenko lianovidnye, leafy weakly. Creating a new variety, the breeder used tomatoes from Mexico - the prolific variety San Marzano. From him, the Russian tomato has sustained immunity to phytophthora. Brown spotting does not threaten him either.

Tomato bushes grow up to 2 m and above, the plant is indeterminate and to stop the top pinch to stop growth. The leaves of tomato is medium in size, not pubescent, wrinkled, looks like potato leaves. Tomatoes ripen in average terms, approximately in 120 days from the first shoots.

Stems as pouring fruit need strong support. Clusters of tomatoes are so huge that they often need a garter. About 30 tomatoes are formed in one bunch.

Tomatoes bloom violently and abundantly, even with a slight shedding of flowers, the fruit's stitchiness is consistently high. Fruits are round or heart-shaped with noses. The average diameter of a tomato is 7 cm.

 Description and characteristics of tomato
Tomato bush jubilee Tarasenko with fruits

The skin of the fruit is dense, bright red in the phase of maturity, shiny, green in immature tomatoes. Fruits in the lower clusters are larger, weighing around 100 g, in the upper tiers shrink to 80 g.

From one bush they harvest up to 8 kg, in terms of 1 m² - 16 kg. Dense pulp is not suitable for the production of juices, but the fruits are ideal for salting, pickling, making winter and summer salads.

Advantages and disadvantages of a variety of anniversary Tarasenko

Deficiencies in the variety are not noticed, but he has more than enough merits:

  1. Good and long stored.
  2. It does not deteriorate during transportation.
  3. The flesh has an excellent taste.
  4. Fruits are ideal for canning.
  5. Fruit for a long time.
  6. Plurality.
  7. Productivity
 Advantages and disadvantages of a variety of anniversary Tarasenko
Tomato in section

Requirements for soil for planting

For liana-like tomatoes, high-quality agricultural technology is important. Bushes grow well in soil with a loose structure and normal acidity. The soil from the fungus should be shed fungicide. Respond well to the drug Fitosporin. They need to shed the soil on the ridge no less than 7 days before transplanting.

It is important to provide the seed temperature necessary for germination - 27 ° C.

Sowing rules

The seeds of the Anniversary Tarasenko have a varietal feature. They sprout longer than seeds of other varieties. Given this, sow them in the seedlings need a little earlier. Summer residents of Zauralye and Siberia start planting at the end of February.

Before planting, seeds should be soaked and kept in warm (40 ° C) water overnight. Pre they should be wrapped in a cloth. In the morning, squeeze out excess moisture from the napkin, put the seeds in a napkin in germination.

Sow the seeds to seedling boxes. Use a light, loose soil. Sprinkle seeds with compost or horse humus. Thickness of a layer is 1,5 cm. The first shoots will appear in 10 days.

 Sowing rules
Soaking Seeds Before Planting

Sprouts 5-7 cm long with 2-3 leaves you can dive. Dive or in deeper boxes, or in separate containers. Preference should be given to separate glasses. In them, the root system develops better and in the future tomatoes tolerate transplanting more easily.

Do not throw away liter milk bags. They can be used for growing seedlings. Initially fill them with soil for ⅔, if necessary, pour the ground.

Transplanting tomatoes in open ground

When transplanting seedlings into the ground, take into account the peculiarity of the variety - a powerful root system that forms in an adult liana-like tomato. The roots go deep and wide. Often, tomato bushes of this variety are not planted. The best distance between the bushes is 1 m.With a lack of space it can be reduced to 70 cm.

Taking into account the size of the roots we prepare landing pits. We make them quite deep (40-50 cm), fill with humus and ash. There is enough 1 bucket of dust, and 2-3 ashes of ashes. Ash must be sifted. Seedlings transship very carefully, protecting the roots from damage. Well water well.

Grade care after transplanting

Planted the plant, after 14 days do not forget to feed them. For these purposes, mullein is good. But until this time the transplanted seedlings do not even water. To feed the korovyakom or other organic (mineral) fertilizer on the day after watering.

Loosen the soil regularly after rainfall or watering. The absence of a crust, due to loosening, improves the oxygen supply to the roots, contributes to the full development of the tomato bush.

Do not forget about the formation of the bush. They usually lead to 2 stalks, at least - in three. All summer children struggle with stepchildren, remove them at least 1 time in 10 days.

During the ripening of the fruit, it is necessary to pick off the leaves that grow in the lower part of the stem. No more than 2 sheets at a time.

With the growth of 1.7-2 m, the tip needs pinching.

 Grade care after transplanting
Right and wrong ways to water a tomato bush

Diseases and their prevention

Three times per season to treat plants containing copper. These treatments help from fungal infections. For the prevention of planting pests need to keep clean - remove all weeds. It does not hurt the inspection of the leaves.

Harvesting and storage rules

Those who have ever grown tomatoes Jubilee Tarasenko on their plot remember its peculiarity. Brushes, consisting of a large number of fruits, in the work all summer, starting in July. In them, some tomatoes have already acquired a bright red color, the second only turn brown, and still others only fit the state of milky ripeness.

Given this specificity, fruit picking should be carried out regularly. Having freed a bush from red and brown tomatoes, the summer resident contributes to the formation of new ovaries. Peeled tomatoes successfully survive, regardless of the phase in which they were picked.

Fruits are stored at a temperature not higher than 20 ° C for a long time. Strong skin and firm flesh rarely suffer from mechanical damage.

The tomatoes picked at the end of August and put in boxes lie until November. Lay them better layers, shifting wrapping paper.

This variety should definitely be in your collection. Huge clusters of not large tomatoes with a spout are very picturesque. Not a single vegetable grower will be able to remain indifferent to them. Their consistent yield is convincing. Seeds Jubilee Tarasenko worth buying for the next season.