Growing tomatoes in open ground in the Krasnodar Territory
 Growing tomatoes in the Krasnodar Territory

There was a time when tomatoes were planted in flower beds like flowers - just for beauty. They were not eaten, but simply admired, not understanding how much they lose at that moment. Today everything has changed. And to imagine a breakfast without a juicy tomato on the table, especially in the summer, is very difficult. It is tasty, meaty and fragrant. This is a great addition to scrambled eggs or any light salad. And how much benefit?

Fruits of tomatoes have a number of beneficial micronutrients and vitamins that contribute to the normal operation of the cardiovascular and circulatory system. At the same time you can grow such a useful vegetable by yourself.In this review we will talk about the best varieties of tomatoes for growing in the Krasnodar Territory in the open field. Description and characteristics of the tomato below.

The advantages of growing tomatoes in the Krasnodar region

The Krasnodar region occupies a rather large territory, so no one will be surprised at the diversity of climatic conditions in one region. The Kuban River divides the land into two parts. To the north of the water is a plain with a very arid climate. Whereas the south with its mountains is characterized by a high level of precipitation.

 When growing tomatoes in the Krasnodar Territory should consider the location of the site
When growing tomatoes in the Krasnodar Territory should consider the location of the site

That is why, choosing a place for planting tomatoes, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the terrain. For example, in the south near Tuapse, a subtropical climate is optimal for tomatoes. And if you move a little to the north, the situation will be complicated by droughts, and it will be harder for cultivated plants to grow and develop. On the plains of the Krasnodar Territory, seedlings often simply burn under the scorching sun. Generally speaking, this area is characterized by hot summers and mild winters.

The soil throughout the region is also different. And here we are talking not only about the presence or vice versa the lack of useful trace elements, but also about permeability. This indicator is extremely important for hot plains. The soil in the steppe part of the region consists of carbonate and leached chernozem.

In general, it is worth paying attention to the fact that warm and sometimes even the hot climate of the Krasnodar region still provides an opportunity to get a good tomato harvest. In this case, you need to correctly pick a sort of tomato that would take root on this land plot. For example, those plants that have dense and dense foliage are not very afraid of the heat.

Rules for planting in open ground

Most gardeners agree that there is no particular difference between planting seedlings and planting seeds immediately in open ground in the Kuban. And although the seeds germinate longer, in the future such plants develop faster and even seedlings outgrow from the greenhouse. Besides, they will be more resistant to low temperatures at night and more resistant to a variety of diseases, characteristic of most tomatoes.

 In the Krasnodar Territory, gardeners grow tomatoes in a seedless way
In the Krasnodar Territory, gardeners grow tomatoes in a seedless way

In order to be warned of natural disasters, most gardeners sow seeds in the ground at the same time sprouted and non-sprouted. At the same time, germinated seeds will emerge much earlier, and suddenly frosts will suddenly descend, they will die. Whereas dry specimens will remain in the warm earth and thus will not be damaged. They will ascend later, but they will still ascend. If everything is fine with the weather, it will be necessary to thin out the seedlings.

Since tomato seeds have different shoots, It is recommended to make an effort so that the tomatoes sprout until mid-April. Practice shows that by this time the land in the Kuban is warm enough and there is an opportunity to plant early cultures.

Thin out or plant the seedlings on the land plot costs from a schematic calculation of 40 * 60 cm.

Before filling the seed, it is very important to irrigate the well with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will save the soil from pests and diseases.

The wells after the distribution of the seeds do not close.This is because at the initial stage the seeds germinate very poorly.

How to thin the seeds?

For the first time it is worth thinning seedlings after the appearance of several leaves, leaving a distance of no more than 70 mm between individual bushes. Then the procedure is repeated when there are five leaves on the plant, with the expectation that there will be 150 mm between the bushes. The last time to thin out the seedlings is when the hole will be no more than four plants. Moreover, the distance between them is about 0.4 m.

When the seedlings are thinned for the last time, the wells are well watered to remove the bushes along with the ground. Do not throw away tomatoes. They can be transplanted to another place.

After watering, tomatoes must be bored, so that a solid crust of earth does not appear near their stem, thus leaving moisture inside.

Tomato care

Based on the climatic conditions of constant heat in the Krasnodar region, it is important to choose certain varieties of tomatoes. They must be drought resistant, with large and thick leaves, who can hide the fruit from the scorching rays. In this case, it may seem that the tomatoes themselves have hidden inside the bush. It is there that they will ripen.

On the one hand, heat is good, on the other - excessive heat is bad. You just need to adjust to such conditions and a good harvest will be provided.

 Protection of tomatoes from the sun shading net
Protection of tomatoes from the sun shading net

But You can protect your cultivated plants from the sun by using nonwovens to darken. It is not recommended to use a polyethylene film in this case, since it does not let air and moisture at all. Consequently, condensate will accumulate under the coating, and excessive humidity will cause the occurrence of such a disease as phytophoresis.

Nonwoven material, in turn, has all the necessary properties for us. He passes moisture and air. Most gardeners of hot climates claim that without such covering material, it is impossible to protect plants from the scorching sun.

The best varieties, description and characteristics

The most suitable varieties of tomatoes for Kuban are:


 Tomato grade Kuban
Tomato grade Kuban

This is an early grade of tomato in the form of cream. Fruit mass Kuban medium size is about 60 gram. The plant is stress-and disease-resistant, although it shows the need for a constant feed of soil fertilizers.


 Tomato Kuban
Tomato Kuban

This is a mid-season variety of tomatoes, the harvest of which can be obtained 100 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Fruits of the extended oval form, with a smooth surface, bright red color. The average tomato mass is within 65-80 gram. It is a thermophilic plant that needs good lighting, normal humidity. Tomatoes showed high resistance to the appearance of top rot.

New Kuban

 Tomato Novelty Kuban
Tomato Novelty Kuban

Medium late variety of tomatoes intended for planting in open ground. You will be able to get the first harvest in 140-150 days after planting seeds. In appearance, the fruit is somewhat reminiscent of the heart. The mass of an average size tomato about 100 gram. It is assumed a rare harvest, even in a mechanized way. In this case, with one square meter of land will get a harvest of 7 kg of tomato.

Gift Kuban

 Tomato Gift Kuban
Tomato Gift Kuban

This variety of tomatoes is intended for cultivation in the south of the Krasnodar Territory. The bushes are distinguished by thick and large leaves, when the tomatoes seem to be hiding inside to hide from the scorching sun. For the first harvest you will have to wait about 3.5 months.Fruits are distinguished by roundness in a slightly pointed bottom. With one square meter of land you can get about 5 kg of tomato This variety shows good resistance to tip rot and cracking.


 Tomat Asvon
Tomat Asvon

This variety of tomatoes, characterized by excellent yield. From each bush you can get to 9 kg of fruits. And the bushes are very compact and medium-sized, but the fruits are small in size and weight - no more than 100 grams. The disadvantage of the variety is the high demands on the nutrition and fertilizer of the soil.

Before you plant any cultivated plants, you should pay attention to the climatic conditions of your region and Kuban is no exception. Since the nature of this region has its own characteristics, pick tomatoes is right. And only then can you get a good harvest. For the Krasnodar Territory, where the heat reigns mostly, it is recommended to pay attention to drought-resistant and thermophilic plants. These are varieties: Kuban, Gift of Kuban, Assvon and many others.