Pests of adult tomatoes and seedlings and methods of combating them
 Tomato pests

Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology can not fully guarantee high yields. Like other crops, tomatoes are subject to the onslaught of pests that are not averse to feast on young leaves or sap of the plant. The main task of the gardener is the timely implementation of preventive measures and instant response to insect attacks.

The main pests of tomato seedlings

Many parasites are tiny in size, but this does not mean that they are harmless. In just a few days, a voracious flock can destroy an entire tomato bed or all the seedlings on the windowsill. Delay in processing sometimes deprives the crop. Pests are populated both on young shoots and mature bushes. The stage of plant development in this case does not matter. Not only the top part of the bush, but also the root system is exposed to danger. Therefore, to relax before the end of the collection of vegetables should not be.

When attacking tomatoes at once several insects, it is recommended to use complex processing with repeated procedures every 7-10 days.
 The main pests of tomato seedlings
The main pests of tomato seedlings

Methods of dealing with the Colorado potato beetle

A potato lover does not deny himself the pleasure of moving to a tomato garden. Recognize it simply by the characteristic color (alternating stripes of orange and black colors). Very quickly, the parasite lays larvae on the outside of the leaf. The intensity of eating greens is so high that in a few days only the remains of stalks can remain from the bed. The danger of a pest is also high due to the fact that it has no enemies in nature.

Control measures:

  • assembly of insects and larvae by hand (to be carried out daily, and preferably in the morning and in the evening);
  • landing between the beds of marigolds, garlic, marigolds;
  • treatment of plants with special preparations (Aktara, Prestige, Mospilan).

Processing tomato vs whitefly

Insect of small size with white wings settles on the underside of the sheet with whole hordes. A favorite delicacy is the sap of plants. In addition, the parasites carry a number of diseases, infect tomato beds with waste products. Affected bushes begin to fade.

Control measures:

  • treat the beds with infusion of garlic;
  • setting traps (adhesive tape).


Getting rid of the pest is not so easy. Chemicals are used extremely rarely, so as not to poison the crop. The voracious insect gnaws through the stalks of seedlings, damages the root system, fruits. A tomato for an underground dweller is considered a real delicacy.

There are cases when the Medvedka destroyed a whole tomato plantation in just a couple of nights.

Control measures:

  • elimination of the use of fresh mullein as a fertilizer, which attracts the bear;
  • pouring the hole with soapy water followed by catching insects (you can also use sunflower oil, crushed eggshell);
  • digging up the site in late autumn contributes to the destruction of burrows and freezing of parasites;
  • arrangement of traps (beer, manure, compost, etc.);
  • the use of drugs (Granule, Rembek, Medvetoks).

Spider mite

Small bright spots and leaves tangled with cobwebs indicate the invasion of a spider mite. It is populated on tomatoes by the whole populations, quickly multiplies. The interest of the parasite is to suck the juice from the plant. Among other signs: perforated leaves, yellowness on the leaves, which later deforms the leaf and leads to drying of the bush.

Control measures:

  • spraying the beds with infusion of garlic with the addition of soap;
  • processing of tomatoes infusion of dandelion;
  • the use of special tools (Karbofos, Iskra M, Fufanon).
 The main pests of tomato seedlings
Spider mite on tomatoes


A dark green insect of a microscopic size (about 2 mm) settles on the underside of the leaves, intensively feeding on the sap of the plant.Aphid attracts to the place of settlement of ants that feed on its excrement. You can even recognize the parasite by the faded appearance of the bush, yellowing drying leaves, fallen ovaries.

Control measures:

  • spraying the affected plants with an infusion of onion peel or garlic;
  • dusting the beds with wood ash;
  • rinsing the bush with insects with a solution of laundry soap and flea shampoo;
  • dusting tomatoes with tobacco dust;
  • the use of insecticides (Fitoverm, Karate, Aktellik).


Microscopic insect (about 1 mm), similar in appearance to a butterfly. It feeds on plant sap, disrupting the movement of nutrients through the vessels. As a result of the invasion of parasites, the culture is first covered with small silvery spots, which then grow and merge with each other.

Measures to combat thrips:

  • For preventive measures, weeds that attract insects should be removed from the beds in a timely manner;
  • before the first frost need to dig up the ground to destroy the larvae;
  • when pests are found, special preparations are used (Vermitek, Akarin).


The wireworm is a larva of click beetles, it is easy to recognize by its orange color and the hard-to-touch frame. Parasites feed on tomato roots, as a result of which the plant weakens and dies.

Methods of struggle:

  • mechanical extraction of insects when digging up the soil;
  • planting next to tomatoes radish, cabbage, turnips;
  • mulching beds with sawdust or straw impregnated with urea;
  • treatment of beds with drugs (Aktara, Antikhrushch, Prestige).

Sprout fly

The appearance of insects does not practically differ from ordinary flies, but the interest of these pests is focused on vegetable crops. Parasites damage everything: seeds, root system, young shoots.

Methods of struggle:

  • digging the garden in late autumn, cleaning all plant debris;
  • soil embedment;
  • treatment of the infusion tobacco beds;
  • the use of insecticides (Fitoverm, Strela, Basudin).

Garden scoop

Two-colored butterfly (later caterpillar), leading nocturnal. Insect length reaches 3-4 cmcolor - light green with a bright yellow side strip (caterpillar) and brown in different shades (butterfly). Voracious pests feed on leaves, making holes through them. Of interest are immature fruits.

The method of struggle:

  • as a preventive measure, it is necessary to dig up a plot in the late autumn, carefully removing plant residues from it;
  • before the formation of the fruit, it is possible to carry out the treatment with insecticides in case of detection of the caterpillar (Inta-vir, Fas, Zeta)
During the fruiting period, insecticides cannot be used to control pests; toxic substances penetrate tomatoes, which makes their use subsequently impossible.

Gallic nematode

The parasite is a filamentous worm, the size of which is about 2 mm. One of the signs of the presence of a nematode is the formation of a modified expanded tissue (galls) on the roots of a tomato. Affected cultures are significantly lagging behind in development. Other symptoms indicate the presence of water and mineral deficiency. In most cases, save the plant fails.

 Gallic nematode
Gallic nematode

Control measures:

  • as a preventive measure, bleaching is introduced into the ground before planting;
  • beds under tomatoes plan better after garlic, onion or calendula;
  • carry out treatment with the drug Fitoverm.

To possess knowledge means to be fully equipped. Timely diagnosis of the problem will help to quickly select the necessary tool for the treatment of beds, thereby leaving no chance for pests.