Spider mite on seedlings of pepper, tomatoes, eggplant and how to deal with it
 Spider mite close up

Spider mite is one of the most dangerous pests of cultivated plants, their seedlings and indoor plants. It can affect crops in the garden, in the greenhouse, and even in your home on a windowsill.

And even despite the fact that the size of the insect is extremely small, the tick can cause irreparable damage to the plants, including causing their death. This is because the pest is distinguished by high fecundity and excellent “appetite” and can affect both tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as other crops.

Thanks to the ability to create a thin spider web, the tick got its name "spider web". In this article we will learn what measures and methods can be dealt with and get rid of the pest.

What kind of seedlings does spider mites love?

Spider mite prefers to “feast on” the seedlings of the family Solanaceae. Most often, his diet includes tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and cucumbers. Tiny dots of yellow color - places of bites appear along the main vein of the foliage. Over time, they become discolored, and on top they become covered with a cobweb, along which the pest moves. Mite often captures the upper part of the seedlings, trying to completely suck the juice from the foliage. If you do not notice the insects in time, you can wait for the irreversible, when saving the plants is no longer possible.

 Spider mite close up
Spider mite close up


Any insect for rapid reproduction and development needs optimal conditions. In the case of spider mites, this is high temperature and dry air. Perezimovat pest can in the upper ball of the soil, in the fallen dry leaves, in the greenhouse (especially in its corners), as well as in the ground on the windowsill of your apartment windows.

Absolutely to protect plants from a dangerous pest is impossible. Because he can get to the culture even with a gust of wind.

Moreover, it should be noted that a spider mite can also appear at home, even taking into account the fact that the harvesting of the land and the processing of the seeds themselves take place indoors. Everything here consists in the created conditions and external factors, for example, as it was said earlier about gusts of wind.

The only thing that can be done is to perform preventive measures to prevent the appearance of pests. Keep a constant eye on the plants, and as soon as you see signs of ticks, immediately remove the damaged foliage. Timely processing of crops with special means will quickly eliminate the problem and preserve the harvest.

 Withered plant due to spider mite
Withered plant due to spider mite

Consequences of spiderweb lesions

Spider mite brings irreparable harm to any plants, including their seedlings. It leads to the destruction of part of the cells, reducing the area and intensity of the photosynthesis process, making solanaceous more vulnerable to various diseases. The pest not only feeds on the plant, but is also a carrier of infectious diseases. These are gray mold spores and other infectious diseases of agricultural crops.

If the spider mite struck the saplings even before the appearance of flowering and a timely course of treatment is not performed, then the ovary may not form at all. Consequently, there will be no harvest. At this time, the plant becomes vulnerable to other diseases, fungi and infections. It grows for a long time and does not bear fruit well, and in the end it may just die.

It is necessary to be more attentive to each individual bush of seedlings, and with the appearance of infected plants, they need to provide quarantine. It is better to remove such seedlings away from healthy crops, and intensively treat it.

How to treat seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and eggplant from the pest?

Chemicals can be used to combat spider mites. This is the most effective way, and in principle, it can also be used for seedlings. The main thing to remember is that insect eggs are more resistant to specialized means than healthy individuals. And it is recommended to process bushes several times with a short break in a couple of days.

Acaricides and insecticaroacaricides are recommended as chemicals.

 Spider mite on a house plant
Spider mite on a house plant

Using popular methods

There are a lot of popular methods to cope with spider mites with the help of available tools, various herbs and plants. Consider the main ones:

  • 5 liters of water, prepare 0.5 kg of crushed dried leaves and stalks of black henbane. Leave to insist the composition for 12 hours, then strain it and add 30 g of liquid soap. You can also use grated soap;
  • black bleached can also be used fresh. To do this, you need to pour 3 kg of the plant with a small amount of boiled water and leave the infusion for 3 hours. Once everything is cool, the composition must be drained and add water to a volume of 10 liters;
  • Prepare 0.3 kg of shredded dandelion roots or 0.5 kg of fresh leaves. Fill all with water at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees Celsius for three hours. After filtering, the infusion can be used, and this is done at least three times: as soon as the first leaflets of the seedlings appear, after the appearance of flowering and another two weeks after that;
  • garlic brew showed itself well for which you need 0.5 kg of minced garlic pour 3 liters of water. To insist the composition is recommended for three days in a warm place. This is a concentrated infusion. For spraying on 5 liters of water it will need only 50 g. Plus, before using it you need to add another 50 g of liquid soap to the solution.
 Leaf affected by spider mite
Spider mite affected leaf

It is recommended to sprinkle seedlings of tomatoes and other cultures with such folk infusions and solutions only in the evening when there is no scorching sun. Moreover, the addition of soap is performed immediately before the use of the composition and helps to cope with the web. There are many recipes for poisonous plants. In this case, it is extremely important to observe the dosage of plants and herbs in order not to harm not only the plant itself, but also the person who sprays.

If transplanting is supposed to be in open ground, you can plant dill next to the seedlings. He will actively help in the fight against pests. And its blossoms will attract ladybirds to themselves, that they are glad to eat spider mites.

The use of special drugs at home

Gardeners are advised to treat the plants with sparing agents in the fight against spider mites, but if they do not give the desired result, you need to use specialized drugs. In this case it is necessary to spray Bitoxibacillin, Phyto ferm or colloidal sulfur. When these options did not work either, pay attention to the solution of the broad-acting acaricide - Aktellika, Omite, Neoron, Sanmite, Talstar, Flumaight, Fufanon. Including you can use drugs for struggle with spider mite on currants.

Spider mite is a very dangerous pest that can lead to the death of seedlings. That is why it is recommended to carefully monitor your plants and, when the first signs of the disease appear, immediately treat with the necessary means. This will protect you from crop loss.