Useful properties and contraindications of parsley
 Useful properties of parsley

A person who tries to eat properly to maintain health always includes a large amount of vegetables, fruits and greens in his diet. Parsley refers to this type of herb, the beneficial properties of which are indisputable, but thoughtless, unlimited consumption can achieve the opposite effect.

The composition and characteristics of parsley leaves and root

The secret of the benefits of the plant lies in the amount of vitamins and trace elements contained in it. The highest rate has vitamin c: one hundred grams of its product contains 150 milligrams. This value corresponds to two daily allowances for adults - both men and women. The list is complemented by several B vitamins, as well as A, K, E.

Parsley root is less popular in traditional cuisine, but its useful properties even exceed the vitamin indicators of the leaves. It has the right human body vitamin PP.

Minerals are contained in the root and in the grass in sufficient quantities.

  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Magnesium;
  • Sodium;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc.
 Minerals are contained not only in greens, but also in the root
Minerals are contained not only in greens, but also in the root

Also the vegetable component has in its composition folic acid and inulin. The seeds of the plant are brown and small, rich in the content of essential oils. In the dried version, they are stored for up to four years.

People with vitamin C deficiency should include parsley in the menu. The main thing is not to exceed the daily rate of its consumption.

Useful properties of the plant for the body and human health

Greens is considered low calorie: per 100 grams there are only 49 calories, proteins - 3.7 grams, carbohydrates - 7.6, and fats - 0.4.

The foliage is used raw for salads and decoration of dishes, you can add it to hot dishes.Low fat content makes it popular for people on a diet.

 Parsley is a dietary product.
Parsley is a dietary product.

Useful and healing properties in the product persist upon drying. Used as a foliar cover, and the root part in a dried form.

The plant is used in many diseases in various fields: gynecology, with problems in the digestive system and others. Broths from it are used to improve immunity, improve vision, and even as a natural antidepressant.

The product is assigned to persons with mental disorders and depression. A beneficial effect on patients with such a diagnosis has lithium, which is present in the composition.

In addition to the diuretic effect that parsley has, it also has the ability excrete toxins and salts. For this reason, the plant component is actively used for cleaning and losing weight.

Harm and contraindications for use

Despite the fact that the drug is suitable for a wide range of diseases, there are cases in which its use strictly prohibited and may cause harm.

Contraindications include:

  • Bladder problems;
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Cystitis;
  • Inflammation in the kidneys;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Allergies.
 Moderate parsley consumption is recommended even for healthy people.
Moderate parsley consumption is recommended even for healthy people.

Excessive eating of this product may aggravate existing violations, causing their progression and aggravation. A healthy person is recommended to eat it too. boundedly. Overdose can threaten with severe headaches, nausea, muscle cramps, severe weight loss.

There is an opinion that the greatest danger is seednamely cooked from it essential oil. Some sources claim that it can cause addiction, and its effect is compared with narcotic intoxication.

In 2011, parsley was attributed to medicinal herbs, the use of which should be moderate due to its strong effect.

Medicinal properties and use in traditional medicine

Decoction of herbs helps with cold and avitaminosis. In order to increase efficiency, other useful plants are added to it, such as birch leaves, horsetail, highlander bird, and steward root.

 Broth parsley helps with colds
Broth parsley helps with colds

There are many recipes for the treatment of skin diseases, maintaining vitality and beauty. For cosmetic purposes, parsley extract is used to make face and body masks. After using this tool, you can expect the following results:

  • The skin becomes whiter;
  • The epidermis is restored;
  • Puffiness is removed;
  • The proper functioning of the sebaceous glands is restored.

With all the positive qualities worth taking into account idiosyncrasy. To identify it, you should put a little mask on the skin of the hand and check the reaction. In the absence of irritation and redness on it, you can proceed to facial procedures.

It is also useful to wipe the surface of the face with ice cubes from the frozen sap of the plant.

Rinsing hair with parsley is an ancient anti-hair loss method.

The healing liquid nourishes the skin of the head, activates the growth of new hairs and eliminates dandruff. Ointment made from seeds removes hair lice. Having distributed it over the entire length, the head is wrapped in cellophane and a towel. After two hours, the consistency is washed off with water.

 Parsley seeds are used as a diuretic.
Parsley seeds are used as a diuretic.

In order to return the eyes acute vision squeezed parsley is used in combination with celery juice and carrots. The same composition is used for conjunctivitis and cataracts. Fresh parsley leaves alleviate the condition of a person with mosquitoes, bees and wasp bites, relieving itching. It is enough to attach it to the problem site for a while.

As choleretic agent use seeds. It is enough to take only half a teaspoon in two glasses of warm water. It is necessary to insist the composition for eight hours, and then strain and drink two or three teaspoons every two hours.

The same tool is used by women with menstrual disorders. The effect is achieved through the tone of the internal smooth muscles in the body.

Chewing seeds along with lavender flowers is helpful to strengthen the gums, reducing their bleeding.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

This curly green is good for women anytime. except for the period of carrying a child. Its action is so strong that even in small quantities it can provoke miscarriage and other complications of the course of pregnancy.The most dangerous root and leaves of parsley are in the early stages.

 Green tincture is recommended for women who have problems with breastfeeding.
Green tincture is recommended for women who have problems with breastfeeding.

Nursing mothers adding this type of grass in the diet brings more benefits. It should be used with care, in small volumes. Like other varieties, this green grass is a source of many essential vitamins for a woman and her baby. It helps maintain hemoglobin levels, which often decrease during lactation.

For mothers who have problems with breastfeeding, in addition to special tea, you can drink tincture of green this garden plant.

This method was used in past centuries to enhance the production of milk. One tablespoon of greens is added to a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour. A nursing woman is supposed to drink the infusion 30 minutes before feeding the baby.

Use of parsley brings the uterus to tone, which endangers the life of the child.

Reasonable use of green gifts from the garden is a good addition to a healthy diet. It is the source of many vital substances.Parsley is not only used in food, but also used for a variety of cosmetic procedures.