Proper cultivation and care of root celery in open ground
 Growing Celery Root

Among champions in the content of vitamins and minerals celery takes a worthy place. Growing root celery on your plot will not be difficult, you need only make a little effort and follow the rules of care in the open field. And so that time was not wasted, you should be familiar with the basic rules of agricultural engineering.

Description and characteristics of root celery

The herbaceous plant belonging to umbrella crops is characterized by medium and large sizes (up to 1 m) with a volumetric root part. Preferred habitat: wetlands, marshland, salt marshes.

Brief description of external signs:

  • pinnately dissected leaf shape;
  • sulcata-branched stem;
  • greenish-white flowers, collected in umbellate inflorescences.
Celery root is a two-year, perennial crop.
 All parts of root celery have a strong aroma.
All parts of root celery have a strong aroma.

Plant features: cold resistance, great need for moisture. Celery seeds are capable of growing at 3 degrees, although the optimum temperature is considered to be 15 degrees. Young shoots are not afraid of spring frosts to minus 5 degrees. The root crop has a rounded shape with a slight division into 2 parts, which are covered with threadlike ribs.

In nature, there are 3 types of celery: root, petiolate, leaf, stem. Especially popular is the root variety, in which all parts have a strong aroma, have a sweet-bitter taste.Due to the unusual flavor notes, the plant is classified as a spice in cooking.

History of origin

The centuries-old history of celery left its mark in Ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece long before our era. The plant was cultivated for various purposes: ornamental, medicinal and even cult.

Leaves decorated homes and temples on holidays, honored the athletes who won the competition, weaving wreaths of green.

Women already then appreciated the unique properties of the culture, using both the above-ground part and the root vegetableFor making masks. Due to the abundance of vitamins and minerals, the skin has long preserved its youth. Celery was mentioned in the works of the ancient Greek poet Homer: "Iliad", "Odyssey".

The root crop came to Russia during the reign of Catherine the Great, but the plant was grown for a long time as an ornamental plant. Decades passed before the culture moved from the flowerbeds to the beds. Before our time, the above-ground part of celery is the most popular, although the root also deserves attention.

 Celery root leaves contain 5 times more carotene than other parts.
Celery root leaves contain 5 times more carotene than other parts.
Celery root leaves contain 5 times more carotene and vitamin C than other plant varieties.

Proper cultivation in the garden

In general, celery agrotechnology is simple, however, there are several nuances that must be considered before sowing, and in the care of the garden in the country.

Planting time seedlings

In the southern regions Celery root can be planted by planting seeds directly in open ground. This is due to the cold resistance of the culture and the ability to tolerate short-term frosts.

For the middle band It is recommended to plant a seedling method, in which the first crop can be harvested 3-4 weeks earlier than usual.

Planted seeds for seedlings plan from the beginning of February to March 15-20. While nature is sleeping and slowly awakening after winter sleep, the seedlings will ascend and grow strong before the start of the planting period.

Before sowing it is recommended to soak the seed in water at room temperature. This need is explained by the presence of essential oils on the surface of the seed.

 Celery Seeds
Celery Seeds

On the one hand, such protection is welcome, as it prevents fungal disease. On the other hand, the oil layer prevents the rapid germination of seeds, so they are soaked for 1-2 days with periodic replacement of water.

You should not retain the seeds in a liquid, after swelling they lose their germination. A sign of readiness for planting will be the appearance of scanty shoots (beaks on the seed).

Care of seedlings in the garden

Box or container with disembarkation covered with glass or film and placed in a warm place for germination. Periodically remove the shelter for airing and moistening with a sprayer (watering is done only when the soil dries out).

Illumination at this stage is not necessary, so the container is placed away from the sun's rays.

After 7-10 days, shoots appear. When mass germination of shoots is detected, a container with seedlings moves to a well-lit place. The sun's rays are necessary for the normal course of the process of photosynthesis, which affects the growth and development of the plant.

Optimal conditions in addition to lighting require compliance with a certain temperature. Acceptable is considered indicator 16 degrees. When placing the seedlings in a cooler room, there is a slowdown in the development of culture during the formation of seedlings and after transplantation into open ground.

 Sprout seedlings appear 7-10 days after planting.
Sprout seedlings appear 7-10 days after planting.

Watering is carried out Once a week. It is important to prevent the soil from drying out, otherwise the seedlings will die. The sprouts are very tender, therefore a spray bottle should be used for moistening. It is also important to prevent drafts.

After the seedlings form 2 true leaves, a pick is made. Each sprout is placed together in a separate container (for example, a plastic cup) filled with a substrate. When transferring a plant, you need to pinch the main root, shortening it to 1/3 part.

For the seedlings to quickly take root in the open ground 2 weeks before transplanting, it is recommended to bring top dressing from complex fertilizers, humate solution. Organic matter will also work: compost, a solution of bird droppings, etc. It is also important to harden, so as not to injure the young shoots by abrupt changes in habitat.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Ideal to prepare the garden from autumn,carefully removing from it the plant residues of the season covered, digging up the ground while simultaneously applying fertilizer (compost, humus, complex mineral substances).

If this was not possible, you need to hold a number of activities in the spring:

  • dig a bed to the depth not less than 30 cm;
  • conduct disinfection (spraying solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate);
  • enrich with organic matter (1-2 buckets of humus per 1 m2) or complex mineral fertilizers (20 grams. urea + 9 grams. superphosphate + 15 grams. potassium chloride).

After the work done, it is recommended to cover the prepared soil with a film before planting so that the earth does not cool. Celery loves loose soil, if necessary, the soil should be lightened with river sand or peat.

 Planting of seedlings in the ground is planned in the middle and end of May
Planting of seedlings in the ground is planned in the middle and end of May

Celery seedlings are usually planted since mid-may. By this time, the soil manages to warm up, and nightly temperatures rarely fall below 5-6 degrees. Cloudy day or windless evening are ideal for transferring seedlings to an open garden bed.

When disembarking it is worth considering the correct landing pattern:

  • it is not necessary to dig a growth point into the soil, it should remain at the same level with the ground surface;
  • the distance between the seedlings is about 30 cm (on a thickened bed of high yields will not);
  • after planting plentifully watered.
If the probability of night frost is high, the bed should be covered with plastic wrap.

Rules of care in the country


The plant loves moisture, so watering is carried out 1 time in 2-3 days. In hot weather, moisturizing is carried out every day. All types of systems are suitable for irrigation, and the best combination of sprinkling with drip irrigation.

 Celery root loves moisture, watered it once every 2-3 days
Celery root loves moisture, watered it once every 2-3 days

Weeding and Loosening

Weed control for celery is as important as for other vegetable crops. Root development requires space that can be occupied by weeds.

Weeding procedure is usually combined with loosening the soil, the plant responds well to the loose structure of the soil. Depth of immersion tool - 5-7 cm. Frequency of work - 1 time in 2 weeks. Loosening at the beginning of the growing season can be done more often, especially after precipitation.

Top dressing

During the growing season, the culture needs additional feeding. They are seasoned thrice. Organic fertilizers are ideal, in particular weed grass infusion. To supplement the diet of the plant can be complex minerals.

For first treatments it is recommended to use herbal infusions, in the middle of the growing season will be more appropriate fertilizer from the solution of mullein or bird droppingswhich are enriched with micro and macronutrients useful for the plant. At the end of the summer apply superphosphate or boric acid.

 In late summer, boric acid is used as a fertilizer.
In late summer, boric acid is used as a fertilizer.

The difference in the care of the root and leaf celery

There are some differences in the agrotechnology of the leaf and root celery species. They are not significant, but the formation of root crops is still influenced.

  • Root variety has longer growing season (150-190 days), so the seeding begins before leaf varieties.
  • The special feature of root celery is double picks with shortening the main root by a third. Such procedures for other types are not provided.
  • In order to get a large-sized root vegetable, it is not recommended to cut the leaves throughout the summer. A few days before harvest, side shoots are cut. In the agrotechnology of a leaf plant there are no such requirements.
  • Hilling is done with celery leaf varieties, the root species does not need it. Care of him provides dumping soil from the rootto prevent the development of lateral roots.
  • Celery is moisture-loving, however, when growing a root crop, it is worth regulating watering from June to October. The ground should be wet, but not wet (prevention of fungal infections).

Harvesting and Storage

 Cereal root harvest starts in October
Cereal root harvest starts in October

The collection of root crops usually begins. in October. It is kept on the beds until the frost. Harvesting should be carried out in dry weather. Extracted roots gently cleaned from the ground and dried. With them you need to cut all the leaves.

There is no storage, the conditions are the same as in other vegetables. Celery storage room can be either a cellar or a sand pit.

Among the ways of the preparations which are often used by hostesses, a freezing.Peeled fruits are cut into plates and placed in a plastic bag. Before use, you just need to give thawed out in a natural way.

Due to the rich vitamin composition, celery root vegetables are included in the therapeutic and dietary menu, so it is simply necessary to grow such a useful product in your garden. In addition, it does not hurt anyone to diversify the diet with delicious dishes with a pleasant aroma. Plant and grow a plant is easy, the main thing is to care properly.