Is it possible to plant tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and other vegetables in the same greenhouse
 The neighborhood eggplant with other vegetables in the greenhouse

If the climatic features of the region do not allow to plant and grow vegetables in the open field, it is possible to cultivate in greenhouse conditions. In a small area often establish the overall design instead of a few small ones. Many novice gardeners have a question, is it possible to plant and grow several types of plants, for example, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers in one greenhouse?

Why is it important to choose the right neighborhood in the garden

When selecting neighbors in the garden, both in open ground and in the greenhouse complex, it is necessary observe compatibility plants.

Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants belong to the same family - solanaceae cultures. But such a relationship does not meanthat vegetables can be located in close proximity to each other. Companions need to adjust the technology of agrotechnology, because each care condition that provides normal vegetation has its own.

Mostly it concerns eggplant, they need a lot of light, dry hot air. In such an environment, tomatoes begin to drop inflorescences and ovaries. If tomatoes and peppers respond well to organic fertilizers, then the blue can intensively develop greens to the detriment of the fruit ovaries.

 Keep in mind that eggplants need a lot of light and dry hot air.
Keep in mind that eggplants need a lot of light and dry hot air.
If you do not pay due attention, the plants will be frail, and the harvest low.

Disagreements between plants most often arise because of the moisture and nutrients that each culture is trying to pull over. And some cultures even produce substances that poison their neighbors.

One of the important factors that should be considered when selecting companions are:

  • height of plants that are planted next to each other (they should not create a shadow for each other);
  • watering frequency (compliance with the irrigation regime will prevent the development of the fungus);
  • what is the duration of a light day in a greenhouse;
  • growing season.

What are good neighbors when growing and planting eggplant

Cucumbers and eggplants it is possible to plant and grow in one greenhouse. Both cultures love moisture, which allows simultaneous irrigation.

Recommended for watering exceptionally warm waterotherwise the development of young shoots will stop. Similar temperature conditions (within 22-28 degrees) does not require the construction of partitions and installation of additional vents in the greenhouse structure.

Planted cucumbers plan in the middle rows, the location along the walls will create shading, as a result of which eggplant will block the access of light.

 Watering eggplant and cucumbers is done with exceptionally warm water.
Watering eggplant and cucumbers is done with exceptionally warm water.

If you add pepper to your companions, the layout will look like this:

  • in the northern part of the greenhouse, where the air is cooler, place cucumbers;
  • center give blue;
  • southern, the warmest part, to give a pepper.

Often the beds are separated by paths, the width of which for the convenient movement of a person with an instrument is not less than 60 cm. This is quite enough for a comfortable neighborhood. And the beds with lettuce, dill and early cabbage, separating the landing of green and blue, look quite original and functional.

The main advantage of the joint cultivation of eggplant and cucumber is that the culture do not have the same diseases and pests, which means that the threat to the crop becomes much less. The winning question regarding the choice of varieties, among both cultures, there is practically no division into greenhouse and ordinary varieties.

With all the advantages worth noting that the plants have differences in agricultural technologythat must be considered novice gardeners. Cucumbers are afraid of drafts, while their neighbors prefer ventilated premises. A polyethylene curtain will help to reach agreement in this situation, restricting access of the draft to the green leaves.

 Watermelons are perfect neighbors for eggplant
Watermelons are perfect neighbors for eggplant
Ideal neighbors for eggplant are also considered: onions, melons, peas, celery, watermelons.

Is it possible to plant peppers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse with eggplants

If the question of the neighborhood of eggplants, peppers and tomatoes is considered fundamentally, then grow them in the same greenhouse possible if proper care is provided. And to realize in practice it is not easy, because blue with tomatoes should be located far from each other.

Cultures are subject to the same diseases, they are attacked by the same pests. The light day is different for plants (light is needed more for tomatoes), and the relation to moisture cannot be compared.

Tomatoes require moderate watering, they easily tolerate drought, while eggplants literally die due to a lack of moisture (yellowing of the leaves is noted, spots and deformations are formed on the fruits).

On the question of compatibility of peppers and eggplants, each experienced gardener has his own opinion. Both cultures are considered fastidious, require special conditions of detention.

They practically coincide with the growing season, seed sowing is performed at the same time.Many of the rules on care are similar, but there are nuances that should be considered when planting crops in close proximity to each other:

  • the distance between the beds should be not less than 50 cm, between plants in a row - 35-45 cm;
  • form beds in different parts of the greenhouse, breaking it into separate zones;
  • do not plant bitter varieties of pepper; during pollination all neighboring vegetables can become bitter;
  • fertilizer for dressings use individually.
 The distance between the beds in the joint greenhouse must be at least 50 cm
The distance between the beds in the joint greenhouse must be at least 50 cm

To create a favorable climate for pepper and eggplant, some gardeners are advised to make zoning space by planting between the beds of several cucumber bushes. Zelenets will make friends with its neighbors, the main thing is to maintain the spacing between rows and not create shading for thermophilic vegetables.

A more radical solution is to install partitions with a door. Cellular polycarbonate is ideally suited as a material. In a structure divided into parts, it is possible to create optimal conditions for growing a particular crop.

It should be noted that the neighborhood along with peppers and tomatoes is not prohibited, but before picking up the eggplant neighbors,It is worthwhile to consider the technical possibility of creating the proper conditions for agrotechnology for each plant.

Eggplants are naughty crops, so it is necessary to select neighbors with care. It is important that all selected plants are provided with favorable conditions for development and fruiting.